MovieChat Forums > Explorers (1985) Discussion > Thunder Road where abouts

Thunder Road where abouts

Does anyone know if the Thunder Road ship exists somewhere? I really want to see it in person, it's been a life-long dream of mine. Otherwise I guess I'm just going to have to build one myself! I've actually tracked down an individual tilt-a-whirl tub, I just don't know how I'm going to get it (it's in GA and I'm in NE). The 2 old dryer windows are what worries me, no idea where I'd find those. But anyway, if anyone knows where the ship is today, please let me know. I'm dying here!


i just started searching for the same info. if i find anything i will post it. good luck!


hi im building a thunder road as we having a hard time traking down the washer doors there from the 1940s and i think there all but gone now ive looked everywhere i might have to make filming the building process and ill put it on you tube when im done.thunder road will live again...if anybodys ever in illinois stop by and check it out cause this is the only reproduction i know of.


Plese post some pics of the process! That is such a cool project and if i am ever near IL i will let you know! Good luck!


I definately will post the pics...


hey dude hows the thunder road coming along - haning to see this!!!!


Post the pics! Please!


any pics yet, i'd like to see your progress. i am hoping to start building one sometime this year.


hi everyone just dropping in to fill you in on the process its looking great so far im waiting to hear from a guy in london.he has the tv front for the ive been at a hold up here.but i assure you you guys will be pleased.its taking longer than expected i had a tv front but it cracked so i had to locate another pain in the ass to find one in 2009.this is not 1985 if i had doc browns time machine id be in good shape i know everyone is waiting.i just want it to be right.cause im a sucker for detail.just give me a little more time trust me you guys will love it.peace-out...wolfgang.


Any progress?????


Awesome. I want to see too :)


Well it's been some time how is it?

nWo 4-Life! Halloween Rules!(The Holiday)


Yeah how's that Thunder Road coming along?

If you haven't answered in awhile, you're probably in space by now-


Did anyone ever make one?


Guess the ship was never made...
