MovieChat Forums > Enemy Mine (1985) Discussion > re: Cound we have a Enemy Mine 2???

re: Cound we have a Enemy Mine 2???

Would any of you like to see a Enemy Mne 2.

I think that with todays technoligies, I really think that this would be a smash. But the films success is determind by whoever writes the screenplay. Make sure that whoever takes this on. Puts more emphasis on the story then on by special effects. Yes special effects would make this film spectacular, but it was the story of 2 enemies having to work together in making it that really capture our hearts.

I really do think that they could carry a Emeny Mine 2. The story from Enemy Mine one is left for us to continue with....

I loved Enemy Mine. Well acted, and a great story line.

Is there anyone to contact so that we can push for this to happen???

Carl Brown
Ipswich, England


Enemy Mine was a great sci fi movie. And one I thought was memorable. There was an episode in "Stargate" which reminded me of Enemy Mine a little.

... Love keeps her up when she oughta fall down... Mal


There was an episode in "Stargate" which reminded me of Enemy Mine a little

Gee... Could it be because they actually HAD an episode called "Enemy Mine"? And it involved the Unas, which look sort of like the Drak in this movie? It also involved a mine.

But, you're probably thinking of an earlier episode, where Dr. Jackson first meets his Unas buddy - Chaka - called "The First Ones" where he is kidnapped by Chaka and makes friends with him. The plot is somewhat sort of like the movie's.


There was also that episode of Star Trek Enterprise with Trip and Alien that couldn't sweat. Pretty similar storyline.


thats not even the most obvious rip-off STAR TREK performed of this film.....
see TNG episode "Darmok".

RULE OF ACQUISITION #109: Dignity and an empty sack is worth the sack.
