Skips over the war :(
I love this movie and I've loved it since I was just a little kid, but I picked up the DVD a few days ago and there's something that's really bothering me now. It never clears up anything with the war!
I mean, the guy was on the planet for 3 years.. but when he was in that healing chamber-thing, the ranking military officer still referred to the Dracs as "The Enemy"
And even though his old BTA buddies said they weren't going to follow him, they did, apparently minutes later.
So.. um.. WTF? BTA /might/ have let the Dracs go, but Davidge would be in hella trouble for stealing a ship, destroying property, etc.. they wouldn't just let him waltz away with a bunch of people to go perform a lineage ceremony!
I still love this movie, but for everything before Zammis' rescue. After that, it's kind of a huge letdown.