A sequel?

Why not? :)


Because it flopped and the studios suck balls ...


It DIDN'T flop.

Only two there shall ever be
One to possess power,
The other, to crave it
-Darth Bane


I think the film said all it needed to say. A sequel would be uneseccary.


Because it's not the type of film you make a sequel to.

Enemy Mine was a beautiful and intelligent drama which had something to say. It was an important social commentary which has stood the test of time and is probably more significant now than it was back in 85.

You cant elaborate on that with a sequel.


There is no movie sequel possible for assorted reasons. If you will seek out the written work of Barry Longyear you will find a sequel about a woman who ends up a prisoner on the Drac home world(The Tomorrow Testament, I think), and the original short story (with a couple of other good stories in Manifest Destiny) and novel upon which this was based. One version may have been fleshed out by David Gerrold.



Yes I have thought about a sequel. I call it Fabulously Mine. It takes place in a futuristic san francisco. Sammis is all grown up and works at a starbucks. After extensive soul searching he realizes that if he were human, he'd be gay. Dennis quaid returns to play a dissapointed, disalussioned uncle.



ROTFL. Well played!


DragonFire836: "Yes I have thought about a sequel. I call it Fabulously Mine. It takes place in a futuristic San Francisco. Sammis is all grown up and works at a Starbucks. After extensive soul searching he realizes that if he were human, he'd be gay. Dennis quaid returns to play a dissapointed, disalussioned uncle."

Ha! That actually made me LOL for real.

DISPLAY thy breasts, my Julia!


The original novella was published together with four related novellas under the title "Manifest Destiny".

Each novella is set during a different war of expanding humans against an existing loose knit confederation of aliens.

I liked the fifth novella the best. It owed heavily to Starship Troopers and The Forever War -- two of my favourite novels.

Longyear was later to write a second novel about a human captive of the Dracs. It was a short novel, but several times longer than the novella Enemy Mine. IIRC it was worth reading. If you are looking for more of the same, this would be the one to read. Sorry, I can't recall the title.

Spoiler about Manifest Destiny.

The expanding humans are the bad guys, they just don't realize it. The good guys are the pre-existing loose knit confederation of aliens. They won't let humans join until they can play nice.

The last novella takes place during a civil war between two faction of humanity. Our hero is on the side of the humans who want to reform and quit trying to grab as much of the Galaxy as possible, without regard to other races. He goes through basic training, which will remind readers of Starship Troopers. He falls in love with a fellow trooper. He goes through some initial skirmishs, where he performs well enough to get promoted to a junior NCO, and earn a medal. He gets to go bar crawling with his former drill instructor, as a more or less equal.

As in the Starship Troopers and the Forever War, this is all prelude to the main event. And that is where the novella is different than the earlier works it borrowed from, and really justifies being written.

Okay, no more spoilers. Go read it.


Sequel? no
Remake? yes
Another movie set in the same universe (Dracs, humans)? Yes, but only after the remake since today's generation won't be familiar enough with the older movie.


NO! Forget remakes please. Hollywood has enough remakes planned already. They should strive to be original instead of making money from previous ideas. Besides I would like for future generations to enjoy this movie the way I did. It's a shame everyone is distracted by flashy special effects nowadays instead of focusing on a good plot.
