MovieChat Forums > Enemy Mine (1985) Discussion > The whole film was reshot?

The whole film was reshot?

Interesting. It would be even more interesting to see that original "Icelandic cut".




Totally agree. Would love to see the other "version" of the film. I still love this film also though.

Look When I Listen!


Why not start a petition and flood 20th Century Fox with letters, stating that we would like to see that alternative version of the film? It worked with Warner Bros in regards to the Richard Donner Cut of Superman II.

I'm still amazed at how wonderful a job 20th Century Fox Studios did with this film. It is still a masterpiece after twenty years.


that is an excellent idea! Superman TRDC was really good. I would love to see how the first enemy mine turned out. I am with you! Lets start a LETTER!!!

Look When I Listen!


Is there anyway we can get a petition going on the internet? I have seen such petitions before that people have signed. The one for Space: Above and Beyond is an excellent example.


I talked to a friend, who is also a fan, and my friend has set up a petition on

Here is the link.

If it could be done for Superman II - The Richard Donner Cut, it can certainly be done for this classic.

Let's start flooding 20th Century Fox with these requests, shall we?



From the description it doesn't sound like there ever was an "Icelandic cut".

From the description it sounds like they didn't use any of the footage shot by the original director -- not that the director had shot a complete film that was abandoned.

Even if that first director had shot footage for every scene of script, it would still have to be edited, would still have have music, sound effects, dialogue synced. All a lot of work.

Yes, I like the final portion of the novella too. But movies are different than novels. Petersen is a good director, maybe something that was interesting, during reading, really would not make a good movie.?


I agree, it was lots of raw footage that was never used. Some may have been edited to see how progress was going, but definitely not enough to make a second "cut".

However, if they filmed as much as they did, it would just be neat to have an edition of the movie with all of the scenes and footage available for watching.


The fact that they shot scenes in Iceland doesn't mean that there is actually a "cut".
Why should 20thCF pay for editing some unfinished stuff?

Wie Du mir, Sodomie.
