This film is Awesome
I think this film is awesome. So there.
"The world is populated in the main by people who should not exist."
-George Bernard Shaw
I think this film is awesome. So there.
"The world is populated in the main by people who should not exist."
-George Bernard Shaw
Truly great. I nearly cried when jerry died. I am happy that for once they made humans the evil invading aliens
well it is nearly 20 years old...did you know dorthy makes it back home in the wizard of oz?
"it's all in the reflexes"
Well if you're that rude then you deserve to have the ending spoilt so there!!!
I've learned this much. Take what you can, when you can- Jenner
Yeh - happened to me, someone told me that boat sinks at the end of Titanic.
Anyhow... Enemy Mine - Great film
Besides, that's not the end of the movie. It goes on following the life of his offspring...whom Quaid now has to care for (just how does one care for an alien infant??). And many of the review summaries state that he dies anyway.
Excellent film, great performances. Is that worth missing...even if you know the outcome of just ONE plot detail?
I didn't appreciate the spoiler either. It's hard to be nice when this happens.
Was renting all W. Petersen's films this month. I'll probably skip on this one now.
I find it funny that you have the decency to beep out whatever is supposed to be between fat and idiot, yet use the terms dickwad and *beep* with no apology.
Also, it'd really strengthen your argument to use full words rather than "U". Your IQ is showing.
If you don't like spoilers, why visit the site before you see the movie? That's all any of this is anyhow.
what a bunch of whiners, this "spoiler" isnt anything major, with it happening half way thru, it obviously isnt a huge part of the movie. it still leaves alot of be discovered.
sharethis has to be one of the most under rated and under known movies made. This is one of my favourite films and no one I know has heard of it. It should be re-released maybe a directors cut or something it deserves it.
shareThis is an awesome movie. I don't see why it is getting such bad reviews. I think Peterson's Neverending Story is also one of the greatest children's movies ever made - an artistic, visionary masterpiece.
I think this movie is very genuine and touching. It ultimately deals with racism and friendship.
i completely agree. If word got out about this movie it would surely become a cult DVD hit classic.
shareI agree. Knowing Jerry dies doesn't take anything away from the film as a whole. It's about far more than the life or death of one person/alien. It's about the premises that divide or unite them when they're alive.
shareI've not seen it in years but remember that I liked it because the message and plot was quite different.
HOWEVER, i think it would detract from the overall "event" feeling of the film if you know that a primary character dies. I remember it being a BIG surprise a5t the time.
a great movie with a great message...i have no idea how i never heard of it until about a year ago....i can't wait to tell people about it because it's the type of film that a lot of people will never have seen before...big-time kudos to louis gosset jr. for doing what might have been the toughest performance of his career
i think the movie deserves more credit than it gets, but at the same time, if it doesnt get it, then who cares it doesnt take away from how good of a movie it is.
"Hey Daggit, is that you?
What's goin' on?
what kind of trouble?
this kind!"
Yeah, saw this one alomst 20 years ago back during the theatrical release. Back then, I went to see it for its sci-fi asthetics. And even if you watched it only for that, it wasn't too bad for its day. There's a nice but short space battle in the beginning. You also see more of the fleet action after Davidge gets rescued.
For the bulk of the movie, we get to see how enemies develop friendship in order to survive in a hostile environment. It's not a new theme in Sci-fi, but a popular one.
- Star Trek TNG has an episode in season 3 where Geordi was left behind on a planet with hostile environments. He meets up with a Romulan survivor and they had to learn co-operation in order to survive. But Enemy Mine predates TNG.
- "Galactica 1980" has one episode that explains what happened to Starbuck (heck, its the only watchable episode in this poorly produced "followup" series). He also had to "befriend" a Cylon Centurian in order to survive on a desert planet, and eventually send survivors back to Galactica.
I guess sci-fi is a good medium to ask the audience the what if's. Since in real life, people don't frequently set aside their differences to co-operate. But when we do, its a heartwarming experience. That why its good drama for film.
The Star Trek episode that reminded me more of this movie was called "Darmok," where the Enterprise encounters a new alien race, the Tamarians.
There is a lot of tension anytime you have two heavily armed ships facing each other unable to communicate, especially when the alien captain transports Picard and himself down to the planet armed only with daggers, the crew unable to intervene.
Has anyone seen this episode? It's by far one of my favorites, the idea of metaphors and history being the whole of a language was so fascinating, and the way the two leaders struggled so desperately to communicate, eventually paying the ultimate price to avoid senseless war, the themes reminded me of this movie even though I saw them 10+ years apart.
"Father! The sleeper has awakened!"
Yes, that is a pretty good episode. Paul Winfield played the alien IIRC.
In that one, the aliens only talked in references... Darmok and Jellad at Tenegra was a metaphor for the last stand against impossible odds, etc.
I am sure many of these Star Trek episodes that came after the story and the movie were partly inspired by Enemy Mine.
you cried ? what are you ? 12 ? you friggin idiot you spoilt the movie mofo.and you moderators deleted the posts of who biitched about him why didnt u frigging delete that spoiler post.
shareI especially liked how Davidge learned to appreciate the importance of family and heritage in trying to preserve Zannis's very life by repeating what he had been told in that harsh environment where he was constantly told by others he was less than nothing!
Irony was that Zannis' parent Jerry could proudly recite the names and deeds of his ancestors 170 generations while the stereotypical US American Davidge couldn't go any further back than his own parents and didn't even know his grandparents' by anything but 'Grandpa' and 'Grandma'!
excellent movie...Lou Gossett Jr was amazing. I didn't realise he possessed such versatility. I admit to a tear in the eye when his character died.
Great film, surprised I had never heard of it before. Bought it on DVD where I work, cheap as **** :-) so...
What I find really appealing is Quaid's character isn't one-sided, I mean the alien learns english but also Davidge learns his. A break from the usual "english prevails all" style. Also that the antagonists (and their respective races) share so much in terms of morals, lifestyle, personalities which, just like in everyday life, is so easily missed out for outer differences. Isn't it great? An average space pilot plays football with his adoptive alien son!
If there's anything I'd like to have seen more after Davige's recovery - telling humans about his experience in an in-between passage before his second departal. Good though he was not immediately placed in mental care.
Hey, did it reap any awards?
my dad took me to this when it first came out, i was 4-5. the birth scene sent me crying to the ladies washroom, i hid.
useless fact about me for y'all
Definately enjoyed this classic from 20th Century Fox. I also liked the part where, SPOILER ALERT, the late Brion James's character gets killed in the end. I also liked it where Dennis Quaid clobbered him a couple of times during the brawling scene on the Scavenger ship.
Overall, I enjoyed everything about the film. From the music, to the sets, to the acting, the costume design, etc. etc. This movie was indeed a classic, and twenty years later, it still has a bit of a cult following.
I first saw the film in 1985, and I must say, I was pleased with the results. It is a film with a serious message behind it, and definately one worth watching. It may not be your normal space opera, but it is still an entertaining science fiction story.
Check it out, if you can. you won't be disappointed.
'I checked it out', and I WAS disappointed.
The only redeeming thing about this movie was that the acting wasn't too bad from either of the main characters, but the story was just shallow. Written to appeal to people who see fool's gold and go 'ooooh'. The thinly veiled 'message' is old, and boring.
"The only redeeming thing about this movie was that the acting wasn't too bad from either of the main characters, but the story was just shallow. Written to appeal to people who see fool's gold and go 'ooooh'. The thinly veiled 'message' is old, and boring."
I realize no one will read or even care about this post, but I'd like to speak up anyway.
This quoted comment seems so symptimatic of our society today. Today people have the attitude that if you can't watch a movie and have excessive violence, sex, explosions, and gore it must not be worth watching.
Barry Longyear wrote the original story in 1979. We were still reeling from the horrors of the Vietnam War. At the same time, we knew it was over. It is interesting to note that if you look at the fiction stories written years ago: the original Star Wars, Star Trek: The Motion Picture, or Close Encounters of the Third Kind - there was a more hopeful attitude.
After all, we had sent the Voyager probes out and were actually exploring our solar system. We were working positively toward real solid gains in science, and some of the best minds of our generation: Hawking and Sagan were bringing us along.
Today, NASA founders and lacks a real vision of what they are going. We are embroiled in yet another "war" that has no clear ending. Our children are indoctrinated into a culture of video game violence.
One thing I have definately noted is that with the new generation of writers in various genres (especially television), is that the story ends before the consequences are asessed. Heaven forfend that fiction today should be like real life and that characters suffer, fail, and die.
After all, the so called "heroes" of film today get the girl, blow up buildings, shoot guns like crazy, and innocent people never get hurt. If they do the "hero" doesn't care.
Reminds me of a video game. You can always restart and kill some more.
i agree i just wish i could find it on dvd where i live:(
share6 years later...I totally agree!
shareI'm with you. The people who hate this movie have no clue. Probably the same people who love the "Transformers" movies of today. They want eye candy with no substance.
shareOh come now, you all know better. No one spoiled it for me as I've already seen it but a main character dying is definitely a spoiler. It's all about etiquette people.