Works great until the alien learns English...
...then he ain't alien anymore, just the standard BEM, one of the Bug-Eyed Monsters that decorated the cover of the old pulp SF mags.
The short story the movie was based on was much better.
The props, space ships and especially "Jerry's" side-arm look like they were cribbed from the sci-fi serials of the 30s.
But he didn't. He gives us the standard dude in a plastic suit. There's so little alien about the "Drac" (even the name! Drac, draco, dragon!?) the movie skirts parody.
Both Star Trek and Babylon 5, years later, would present us with truly alien aliens and not just BEMs. Surely the director of "Das Boot" could have done better than this.
Another this is, watching this movie 26 years after seeing it in the theater as a teen, how dated the special effects look. After the bar that George Lucas and Nick Meyer had set years before, surely the sfx could have been better.
And HD does nothing to improve how it looks.
After all, the sfx from SW IV-VI and "Wrath of Khan" still hold up even in this day of CG wizardry.
At 14, this impressed the hell out of me. At 35, I'm yawning.
"The greatest trick the devil ever pulled was making the world think he didn't exist."