I suppose that it could happen unless there were some sort of copyright protection in place.
Yeah exactly why I mentioned licensing of the old logos, etc.
Quite often, the franchise that moves away will retain intellectual property rights to the old name, logo, uniform patterns, et. al. - however sometimes when stadium deals have gone down the local cities have forced certain teams to agree that they team will stay a certain number of years and/or can't take the name with them if they leave the city within a certain number of years, etc.
Of course each team's legal obligations to their host community will vary widely, but as long as a franchise that had moved out of town changed their name in the interim, there wouldn't be a really good reason for them to not be willing to sell or license the old IP - especially if it resulted in the reformation of a "classic" team.
they opted to go with Texans instead of re-using Oilers
Sure... I wonder if they were avoiding the so-so history of the old team or if they just didn't want to cough up what the Titans wanted to charge them for the old IP.