MovieChat Forums > Enemy Mine (1985) Discussion > other films like this?

other films like this?

are there any?


the star trek:tng episode "Darmok" is the closest thing that I can think of; it has some very similar themes and plot devices. As far as movies go, there is a Lee Marvin film called "Hell in the Pacific" that deals with an american and japanese pilot stuck together on an island during wwII. It got mixed reviews, I thought it was o.k., a little long, but some great scenes and imagery. Of course it's not sci fi if thats what youre looking for.


I've always wondered if there was any connection between Enemy Mine and Hell in the Pacific... Production-wise I mean... I have always wanted to see the Pacific movie as I am a great fan of Toshiro Mifune.


I seem to remember an episode of (original) Battlestar Gallactica which was similar too.
"Whatever happened to Starbuck?" It's not on the DVD release which claims to be the complete series but I definitely recall seeing it on TV maybe 20 years ago.


Your right, but this episode was on the brief series sequel Galactica:1980. I think Starbuck taught the cylon to play poker or something? Long time ago, I don't know if this series has been released on dvd. I have seen some of the other eps and they are not good at all but I would like to view this one again.


The Star Trek: Enterprise episode "Dawn" is an even closer match. The themes and plot devices are virtually identical to "Enemy Mine", and the Arkonian pilot's appearance is obviously inspired by Jeriba.


To some extent, Robinson Curuso(sp?) On Mars.


Yes good call. I just watched RC on Mars the other day and found it to be a surprising gem, just like this one was.


The season 7 episode of Stargate SG-1 called "Enemy Mine" is also similar to this.


you could try "Hunter Prey"


Into the White is similar to this. About British and German pilots stranded together in the mountains during WW2.

The Star Trek Enterprise episode referenced in this thread seems to have been inspired by this movie.


The Cuckoo (2002), has sort of a similar theme, not quite as exact, but close:

Too stupid to understand science, try religion...!
