Fantastic film

Can't believe the lack of debate on it. Definitely in my top 10 movies of all time. Beautifully shot, emotionally involving and also full of action and excitement. The environmental message has never been more firmly presented.

Wish a special edition DVD would be released as this film is worthy of one.


Anyone know of any DVD details for this movie?


Only DVD released so far that I know if is basic with no special features. :( It would be great to have some nice behind the scenes, bonus materials, commentary, on a re-release, but I don't see that the movie has a large enough audience for the studio to make such an effort.


'Fantastic' is the correct word, for this film. Everytime I see it, it overpowers me. I wanted to see it, as a kid but, it probably would have knocked me out. LOL

I WISH a special features dvd, would be made. We probably need to petition it.

Not to many fans? Mankind is missing out! &
