Awesome movie. Really like it.
I have an interest in languages. But I am puzzled by the speech in this film.
(NB watched the English and/or American version of this DVD. Unless the viewer chose a different subtitle language, English subtitles are shown, no option to turn them off).
When the family speaks English, they speak English, no subtitles shown.
When the family speaks Portuguese, they speak Portuguese (at first broken, but then fluent), subtitles are shown.
When the construction crew speaks Portuguese, they speak Portuguese, subtitles shown.
When the "Indians" we meet during Daddee's search for Tomme speak "Indian", they speak what sounds like true "Indian" pre-Spanish influenced tongue. Very similar to what is often referred to as "Indian" in Mexico. And the translators speak a fairly good version of same. Subtitles shown.
However, when the people of Tomme's tribe speak, and when Tomme himself speaks to his tribe members, it sounds like a weird slurred, Portuguese-English mix with a little Franch softening melted in. It sounds made-up, fictitious, because a disturbing amount of the words spoken are a slurred version of the words in the simultaneous English subtitles. The subtitles continue to play, which is good, it made it a lot easier to watch the movie in those parts.
Things got really weird, when Daddee gets to know Tomme, sometimes he speaks English, which is both expected and clear, no subtitles shown. And sometimes he speaks a broken Indian (as he did during the search for Tomme), but sometimes the same weird slurred Portu-lish mix (akin to Spanglish=Spanish mixed with English, that we here in the southwest US).
Why would ANY of the words from Tomme's tribe members ever sound English or even Latin-based if they had never had contact with the Termite world? If Tomme retained his ability to speak clear English, why would he alternate between clear English and the weird tongue? I can see why Daddee would try clear English, and why he might try Portuguese to communicate with Tomme, but why try the weird mix? Who learned it from whom. The clear Indian is not heard much after finding Tomme.
If they were going for realism, why the Portu-lish? especially if they were going to have non-optional subtitles. And if they felt a weird language was not going to be a distraction, why not just go for solid Portuguese (or take the "everyone-in-the-universe-has-universal-translators" leap and have everyone speak English)?
Anyway, it's one of those production things that grips my curiousity. I'm going to view the extras on the rented DVD and see if anything makes sense, but I thought I would ask for some opinions. The only thing I can speculate at the moment, is that maybe the Portu-lish is the best they could do for the "Indian" performers, who might not have either clear English, nor true Indian as first or second languages.
...and my brain makes such pretty pictures...