Man, this is bad. Enjoyed it on vhs back in the day but it just doesn't hold up. The acting is terrible especially from the main chick we see in the subway at the beginning. Forgot that Stallone had a part (lol). Anyways, it's entertaining but it's pretty damn bad.
Yeah, you're right. Guess I wasn't in the right frame of mine but I was just seeing the flaws. I did say it was entertaining though.
I'm a Fulci man but my fave is THE BEYOND. Sure, the acting in that ain't great but it's way better than in DEMONS. Guess I'll have to watch it again in Italian since the dubbing was terrible.
I just thought the acting was really goofy and therefore part of the appeal for me. Tony the tough acting pimp, the suspicious acting usherette and those ridiculous punks driving around in the car. Everyone was like a caricature of horror movie stereotypes and of course the dubbing just brought it to a whole nother level.
See I don't really care for The Beyond all that much. It's gota lot of cool little elements and music and some scenes(especially the ending) are great but I find it overall a massive chore to sit through.
Demons is like this nonstop, 100 miles an hour rock n roll surreal gore comedy. I love it.
See I don't really care for The Beyond all that much. It's gota lot of cool little elements and music and some scenes(especially the ending) are great but I find it overall a massive chore to sit through.
Nothing in DEMONS is as lame as those ridiculously phony-looking tarantulas (that eat a guy's face) in THE BEYOND.
Really? this film's practical effects look so much better than any modern horror film's FX. Besides isn't this movie dubbed with american voices?? Or most of the actors are foreigners trying to act American, it's obviously not for the acting. I think the film is excellent. Some of the FX is demons 2 are pretty bad though. The baby demon was ridiculous and Sally's demon transformation was pretty lame looking. Couldn't even compare to the hooker transformation.
Only people with money say that money doesn't matter.
Well, I quite liked it. I don't think it's supposed to be some Oscar winning, cinematic masterpiece. Just a fun horror movie you can throw your cares and watch strictly for entertainment.