Korean version
When my VHS copies of this film finally bit the dust I purchased a DVD on-line at a good price from Korea, cover in Korean but has English option for viewing. Was very surprised that Brion James (Coddish) was quite chatty, had so many more lines that were cut from my other VHS versions (of course the more the better right). An example is when he is hiding in Nancy's room and nabs her once Victor leaves for more Sudso. He goes on and on about all this crazy personal stuff most of it having nothing to do with the story (just like him ha). I've also read that Paul Smith (Faron) was hard to work with and they had to dub his voice because he was not behaving with his lines. So now when ever I see him in something else (like "Popeye") I'm always reminded of this. One wonders why some things become so difficult. Victor was super as the hero and loved the ending. Favorite part besides the whole film ... God there are too many: the famous Raimi camerawork following the thrown objects, the dance contest, Mr Yarman shaving in the middle of the night, baseball bat, Colonel's metal plate, Goodwill Donation Center, the freeway, the cigarettes, the Shocker, three bowling balls stored on a top shelf, fire escape ladder and of course the colorful Parade of Protection!!! One of a kind great crazy movie and fun soundtrack, Thank you Sam!