For all those that love this film it is avaliable on Play.Com for a mere £3.99 in their sales.
So if you want a classic film minus a cut or two then I suggest you get in there now...cos I have!
Eh? This isn't cut. You had me worried for a minute there. The original release was cut by 5 seconds, according to the BBFC website. The subsequent video releases have had no cuts.
Great film, though.
I just saw this in a supermarket bargain-bin in Poland. Cost me about £1!
shareThese are non-BBFC cuts, mate. For some reason it's missing about three minutes of footage, including a longer build-up to Arthur the exterminator's death.
shareI noticed that on my copy! the bit where he goes " thats the difference between you and me vic...you believe in people and I dont..and thats why I'm going to bash your " then he hits the overpass