OK bold types, but I had to endure Open Water before this.
I decided to buy this film on DVD based on some recollection of it.
This film is written by the Coen Brothers and directed by Sam Raimi.
IMO, this film can't be missed PERIOD. It connects old skool cinema with newer cinematography and attitude.



C'mon, the film may not be that bad but it's definately not that good either. I found it pretty funny but also fairly sloppy and messy as well. Overall I thought it was okay, but nothing more than just okay.


Dude, this film sucked more dick then Jenna Jameson. I really do think it is very poor. Bruce carried this film, with his tiny part, like a 2 year old. Really, I found the only point of watching this film was for him and his 'shot' glances at the girls and cool dialogue.

"Deal with it. Rock and Roll"


I loved this film. its one of my all time favourites. one small point- U wouldnt have chosen Reed Birney for the lead, he doesnt quite cut it. everything else is fine. especially the rat catchers-and of course the CRIMINALLY underused (even today) Bruce campbell


The movie is a must see,yes it's extremely stupid but I still think it's one of Raimi's best films. Renaldo The Heel steels every scene he is in


I haven't seen this in a while, but I distinctly remember it being a very painful experience. There is, however, one scene that I really enjoyed, which is when Bruce says "So what? Maybe I am a heel," right before the fire escape lands on him.


You know, I know I saw this film but I don't remember one second of it, so it couldn't have been so awesome. Couldn't have been that bad either, or I would have remembered that. Even reading comments on the plot doesn't stir even the faintest inkling of a notion of a glimmer of a recollection of anything that happened in this entire movie. In fact, I can't say there's another film that I know I saw that I remember less of. So I guess its only distinction to me is its utter and complete lack of distinction. So stick that in your awesome pipe and smoke it.
