Desreta Jackson was NINE?

When Desreta Jackson (who plays Young Celie) shot this in, what, 1984? She was nine. NINE. I just looked it up. My mind. Is. BLOWN.
I thought she was like 17 or something, or older! That is crazy! I'm going to have to go back and re-watch the birth scene and the separation scene and marvel in stupefaction.



How can that be. The girl who played Nettie was 19



Interesting that the little girl from that movie last year got an Oscar nom for Best Actress when she kinda just ran around doing no acting whatsoever, while 30 years ago Desreta probably did the best acting any 9 year old has ever done, and didn't even get acknowledged.
What a world we live in now. Ha.




^^^ Beasts of the Souther Wild.




@chuckyfan201 I agree she looked the part. I had no idea she was only nine!

Is thus accurate? If so wow!

As for Glover being on top. yeah that does make you wonder. But the way movies are shot and all that they can do (even though I believe more different stuff is done today due to modern tech) he might have not really been on top LOL...I don't know how to explain it. I just read somewhere there is different techniques used in filming.



Yeah I see your point now that I think back to that scene.

I guess I was just hoping he was NOT lol...but now and days, they do so many tricky things when filming that I figured this was the case with that scene.

eeewww. lol just me but ok, (just seems even if it is acting you do have to wonder how he felt about that scene.




Seriously, her DOB must be messed up or incorrect.


She was not 9 yrs old. A lot of these sites that list people's ages are incorrect. She looked at least 15 yrs old but I believe that she was at least 18 because if not then, I think that sex scene would qualify as child pornography.

Happy 2014!!!

Arimas, Samira


It still says on wiki that she was born in 1975.
And given she played a 'teenage' girl in Sister Act in 1992 I think that she probably was 9. Disturbing though.



Wow I thought she was older too. It saddens me she didn't get the success she should have cause she nailed that role. I suspect it had to do with her dark skin and features.... She kinda touched on this in an interview. What really disturbed me is Whoopi Goldberg apparently didn't like her and didn't treat her too kindly on the set because she felt she should have played young and old Celie. Desreta touched on this too. She said Oprah shielded her from getting hurt by Whoopi. Shame on you Whoopi.....I hope you apologized to this young woman....especially if she was 9 at the time. Desreta, in my mind, you deserved an Oscar and I hope you'll get the appropriate recognition soon.


It's one of the most overlooked performance ever, she gets no credit for such a great job.




She wasn't nine, she was thirteen when she was casted. So her birth year would probably be in either 1970 or 1971. son/


Yes, the dates must be wrong. Anyways she grew up to be very pretty.


I think she was 18.I remember imdb had her birth year as 66 then it was removed.
