'The Color Purple' author reportedly refuses to allow Hebrew translation of book
The award-winning author of The Color Purple has reportedly refused to allow a Hebrew translation of the 1982 work, citing Israel’s “apartheid state.”
In a June 9 letter to Yediot Books, author Alice Walker said she would not allow publication of the book into Hebrew because “Israel is guilty of apartheid and persecution of the Palestinian people, both inside Israel and also in the Occupied Territories,” the Jerusalem Post reports.
In her letter, which was posted Sunday by the Palestinian Campaign for the Academic and Cultural Boycott of Israel, Walker indicated her support of the boycott, divestment and sanctions movement, saying she hopes the campaign will “have enough of an impact on Israeli civilian society to change the situation.”
It was not immediately clear when Yediot Books -- a division of the daily Yediot Aharonot newspaper -- made the request, or whether Walker could in fact stop translation of the book. At least one version of the book has already appeared in Hebrew in the 1980s, the Jerusalem Post reports.
Walker, who has intensified her anti-Israel activism in recent years, said Israel’s policies were “worse” than the segregation she suffered as an American youth.
The Color Purple, which won the 1983 Pulitzer Prize for Fiction for its take on black America in the 1930s, was adapted into a movie in 1985 and was nominated for 11 Oscars.
It's completely understandable, and consistent with her beliefs. What the Israeli government is doing the the Palestinian people is considered by many to be apartheid. It's atrocious. One can only hope that one day Palestine will be free, again, and the two nations can exist in a state of complete peace.
Really? Bannig the whole languague? That is just bigoted and stupid. *beep* you Walker, you stupid *beep* It is nothing more than disgusting ignorance on her part.
i agree with ALic Walker on her decision. just because it's not your own race doesn't mean you can't stand up for them. Apartheid-ism is evil and stupid, no exceptions.
"If we can only catch him, Death is dead!" -Cantebury Tales
I personally disagree with that decision. No persecution of and bigotry towards Palestinians should be sanctioned, that I agree on, but I don't find it particularly "enlightened" for a book to be banned in an entire language preventing the many ethnically, culturally, and politically diverse peoples of an entire nation from reading it, because of the actions of those in the Israeli government. Banning a book containing a powerful message does not do anything to inspire or encourage people.
Interesting. While this doesn't change my opinion of the book, whose Pulitzer Prize was well-deserved, it makes me wonder what's going through Walker's mind. Is she really conceited enough to believe that blocking a Hebrew version of The Color Purple will make any difference at all in Israel? People speak Hebrew in several other countries, including America!
The biggest hebrew speaking population is by far in the State of Israel. By refusing to allow the adaptation of language, she is sending a message to the Israelis, and drawing parallels between the Palestinians plight and the African-American's plight.
Limit of the Willing Suspension of Disbelief: directly proportional to its awesomeness.
I live in Israel, and had just finished reading the book (in English) and thought very highly of it. Walker is obviously misguided into believing a lot of the BS anti-Israeli propaganda going around in the world. This saddens me.
In regards to the parallels between the Palestinian plight and the African-American one. Well, I can't seem to find them.
The African-Americans never wanted to build a country of their own alongside the USA. They never asked to do so by taking parts of the land owned by the US. They also never bombed American towns with rockets launched from said African-American territory (see what happened to the Israeli city of Shderot between 2001-2012) or committed mass suicide bombings that killed hundreds of innocent civilians (read more about this by googling Second Intifada, years 2000-2005).
The African-Americans wanted rights to vote - all Arab Israeli (having come from Jordanian, Iraqi or Palestinian roots) have the right to vote, and several MK's (members of the Israeli Parliament) are Arabs. There is no segregation what so ever in Israel: Arabs (again, no matted their roots) may ride anywhere they want in buses or public transportation, they don't have separate toilets, they don't work as maids or semi-slaves. They are free to learn, live, work and prosper anywhere they want.
There is, however, an ongoing dispute regarding the territories conquered by Israel during the Six Day War (going all the way back to June 1967). All Israeli Prime Ministers in the past two decades have acknowledged that a huge chunk of these will eventually become the basis to the future Palestinian state, and ever since the Oslo agreements in September 1993, there is a de-facto self-governed and self-chosen Palestinian Authority that rules within most of these terriroties. The Israeli goverment has also shown its willingness to evacuate Jewish settlements from some of these places, as recent as the disengagement of the settlements in the Gaza Strip in August 2005.
However, some of these land hold strategic (military and national) importance to the Israeli people, most notable the Wailing Wall in East Jerusalem - which historical artifacts point to show has been a crucial part of the Jewish Temple circa 2000 years ago - before my ancestors were banished from this land. Also, there are mass chunks of Jewish population near the disputed are, including two big cities Ariel (around 40K residents) and Ma'ale Edumim (around 30k residents). The last two US Presidents (Bush and Obama) have publicly talked about these chinks of settlements and have publicly talked about "land exchange" or "swapping territories" so that there wouldn't be a total retreat to the 1967 lines, but an agreement where the Palestinian people will eventually get other bits of land in exchange for some of said territories.
In the meanwhile, we act as two neighbouring countries who have a "cold" peace. Israelis tend not the drive into Palestinian governed areas. Naturally, those who do have to go through strict security interrogation - and the other way around for Palestinians who enter Israel to work here.
The notorious security wall that stands between our two nations is a security neccesity - since first erected in early 2003, the amount of suicide bombers who successfully penetrated Israel (and went on to target innocent civilians) went down from some 2-3 dozen per year to nearly zero. Without the fence (which stands more or less where every Israeli, American or sane Palestinian leader believes the formal border will eventually stand), I highly doubt I would be sitting here, writing these lines. So yeah, Palestinians who want to leave their juristiction and come to Israel have to stand in lines and be checked before entering. Same goes for Mexicans entering America, I guess.
Bottom line - how any of this can draw parallels to the African-American plight is beyond me at this point.
Greetings saarvadi. I have studied quite a bit about the Arab/Israeli conflict, so don't take my comments personally, I'm just relaying the evidence and sources that have been laid out to me.
The African-Americans never wanted to build a country of their own alongside the USA. They never asked to do so by taking parts of the land owned by the US.
Actually, I am going to change the original comparison, by comparing the Palestinians not to the African Americans, but the Native Americans. After all, they are both indigenous people to the area. There was a time when the Indians wanted to build their own, autonomous natons alongside the US (in effect, wishing to keep the land that they had originally lived on, and refusing to be 'moved out' by the US army). These were the Seminole Wars. So I feel that the Palestinians, as indigenous people, are facing the same plight.
The Palestinians had their country. They were living there already. They didn't opt to build a rogue state out of nothing. That was more the Israeli legacy.
They also never bombed American towns with rockets launched from said African-American territory (see what happened to the Israeli city of Shderot between 2001-2012) or committed mass suicide bombings that killed hundreds of innocent civilians (read more about this by googling Second Intifada, years 2000-2005).
It is certainly a dire circumstance when Palestinians choose to launch rockets into Israeli neighborhoods. However, they are certainly not doing this for no reason. They are compelled by a very human response by seeing Israelis continuing to expand their settlements into Palestinian territory (also occupied by Israel). It is really quite clever. The Israelis occupy the Golan Heights, Gaza, and West Bank, that way the Palestinians "get their land". That way, they can control the infrastructure, medical, airspace, etc. Frequent power outages, strangling public services like education, healthcare, welfare, to make the Palestinian territories the poorest in the whole country. That way, they are compelled to riot, and then killed by Israeli military or police. Then they launch a rocket, and so Israel bombs them. Then Israel builds more settlements. This is not rocket science, it is something that happens all over the world.
Israel is forcibly evicting Palestinians from their homes, which is illega under international law.
all Arab Israeli (having come from Jordanian, Iraqi or Palestinian roots) have the right to vote, and several MK's (members of the Israeli Parliament) are Arabs. There is no segregation what so ever in Israel: Arabs (again, no matted their roots) may ride anywhere they want in buses or public transportation, they don't have separate toilets, they don't work as maids or semi-slaves. They are free to learn, live, work and prosper anywhere they want.
Arab Israelis can go anywhere, but they are a significantly small portion of the population. On the other hand, Palestinians under Israeli rule have different colour license plates, and are not allowed to drive on Israeli highways (Jewish highways), and are frequently harassed. It is similar to the Jews having to wear a yellow star. In fact, the occupation of gaza, west bank etc. are similar to Nazi Germany creating ghettos for the Jews. It is the same thing really.
True, Arab Israeli's *living within the Green Line* have the right to vote, but elsewhere, the Arabs that are under the rule of the Knesset have little to no voting rights.
In East Jerusalem, the 250,000 Arabs have no voting rights for the Knesset elections.
In the West Bank the 2 million Palestinians have no voting rights.
And in Gaza, of course. So if we take that into account, that means 1 in 4 people in Israel have no voting rights, and that is always a Palestinian.
or committed mass suicide bombings that killed hundreds of innocent civilians (read more about this by googling Second Intifada, years 2000-2005).
I seem to recall the definition of the "intifada" was a "shaking off"? It was mostly caused by young boys throwing stones at Israeli police, who were then killed with lethal ammunition. The final death toll was 3000 dead Palestinians, 1000 dead Israelis.
In fact, the discrepancy between Israeli deaths and Arab deaths is quite startling. If we were to count Israeli deaths, around 1000 have died since 2000, and 500 of them were on Palestinian land. Around 7000 Palestinians have died, and almost all of them were on Palestinian land. It is a sure sign of Israeli aggression on Palestinian land?
The Israeli goverment has also shown its willingness to evacuate Jewish settlements from some of these places, as recent as the disengagement of the settlements in the Gaza Strip in August 2005.
On the contrary, Israel has been expanding its settlements now more than ever. The 200,000 Bedouin Arabs living in the Negev desert (where 71% live below the poverty line) are being relocated to new permanent villages, despite having lived in the Negev for generations. And yet these Bedouin are full citizens of Israel. Not exactly equal is it?
The Israeli government has refused to accommodate for the rights of Arabs. The populations of the Arabs and Jews have grown at equal rate. And yet the Israelis, since 2000, have established 700 new settlements for Jews, and exactly 0 for Arabs.
ever since the Oslo agreements in September 1993, there is a de-facto self-governed and self-chosen Palestinian Authority that rules within most of these terriroties.
The Oslo Accords was a sham. It is why Israel continues to expand settlement at an ever increasing rate, and has launched 3 wars and violently quelled a popular uprising since those negotiations. It is a means for Israel to bring PLO to the table, to create a guise of "negotiation", when they are in fact justifying their provocation against Palestine and using the US as their lawyer. To justify the US' funding of Israel, of which it is 90% reliant.
Anyway, good chatting with you, even though I find your viewpoint to be somewhat biased.
Limit of the Willing Suspension of Disbelief: directly proportional to its awesomeness. reply share
Hi. I appreciate the time and effort you put into writing your response, and it seems as if you did in fact do some of your "homework" and have a grasp of the subject. But again, you are misinformed. Remember, while you may have learned these things online or by reading books - this is part of my personal life and history. Although raised in the US up until the age of 8, ever since 1989 (nearly 25 years) I've been living in Israel. I served in the IDF, I got married and built a home year, my 2 year old daughter was born here, etc.
To cut to the point, i'll try doing this as brief as I can since I know these internet conversations tend to lead nowhere and people who aren't part of the conflict tend to view the Palestinians as weak and conquered - and that is not the case.
About the Seminole Wars: I didn't know that the Indians had national desires. I will read into it. Although, the Indians (since you mentioned them) are a prime example of a lot of what I find hypocritical in the world's response to Israel's mere existence. America was conquered by white people (first the Spaniards, then the French and the British). There was no historical precedent for English speaking nations living on this land, and in fact in order to live there - your American ancestors brutally slaughtered countless Native Americans. Those that weren't killed directly found horrible deaths due to their territories taken away in favor of European livestock and agriculture which eventually corrupted much of the Native Americans fertile land. To various degrees, there is "blood" on the hands of every single person (who is not a direct descendant the Native Americans) living in America today. But it doesn't stop here: England was conquered by the Roman from ancient Celtic tribes, all of Australia exists on the corpses of numerous Aboriginal tribes, South America prospers on the ruins of the Maya and the Inca, etc. etc. Come to think of it - its sort of the way the world works, for good and for bad.
Israel, however, is an "anomaly" of sorts in that aspect. The Palestinians are not the indigenous people of this land - the Jewish people, who through some 2,000 years of history were forced to live outside their country, are the indigenous people. The fact that the Jewish religion lived through so many years and maintained the dream of returning to their historical homeland, and even more so the fact that they eventually re-settled this land and built a country, is nothing short of astonishing. The Palestinians claim to be descendants of the Philistines, a tribal state that was one of the many enemies ancient Israel and Judiea faced throughout the years.
For more on the historical nation of Israel (before Jews were banned by the Roman conquisitors and others):
The state of Israel currently has around 8 million residents, some 1.5 million of those are Arab Israeli. This is by no means a "small portion". There are currently TWO (not one) Palestinian identities living alongside it, both of which are not recognized as sovereign states due to ongoing peace talks and the failure of the Palestinians to compromise in even the most "slightest" matters, such as recognizing Israel's right to exist (that means that technically, they want me dead).
In the Gaza strip (which was evacuated of all Israeli presence back in '05, and in '07 taken in a military uprising by Hamas) there is a goverment led by the extremist Hamas movement, which in the 90's and 2000's was responsible for recurring attacks against Israeli civilians. In the West Bank, the more moderate PLO has control over the population. Both people have elected officials, they have ministers and priminister (Ismail Hanya in Gaza, Mahmud Abbas in the West Bank). These goverments collect tax, they operate a local police force, are responsible for education and infrastructure, hold overseas embassies and have representitives all over the world - and basically function like a state, only they are not called one as of yet.
So to state that Israel has control over the Gaza strip is ignorance at its worst - we do not want the control the Hamas led strip as much as they don't want to be controlled by us. Why they continued firing rockets at us for 7 years after we had no presence there what so ever remains a puzzle to me, as to why they abducted an Israeli soldier (Gilad Shalit) and held him captive for nearly six years. The West Bank does in fact have a "problem" of Jewish settlements. To order the evacuation of these is atrocious in my mind. I think the big masses of cities will eventually stay part of Israel, in exchange of a lesser populated area to be given to the Palestinians. The smaller ones, who are deep inside the West Bank, may (as far as i'm concerned) be part of the future Palestinian state. If its OK for Israel to exist with 1.5 million Muslim Arabs, I think Palestine can exist with a few thousand Jews. Otherwise, THAT would be Appertheid (sorry for the typo).
There wan no Palestinian state in Israel before 1948. There never was. The Palestine which existed was "a geopolitical entity under British administration, carved out of Ottoman Southern Syria after World War I" (source: wiki).
The muslim people living in Israel at the time were scattered tribes, without any self governed authority as they now hold. Once Israel was declared, many of them escaped the Jordan, which is in fact the real Palestinian state. Many of those calling themselves Palestinian today originate from Syrians, Iraqis, Egyptians and Lebanese bought here to fight the young Israel state.
Here's how famed author Mark Twain described the country way back in 1867 (evidence that there never was a flourishing Palestinian state, and that in fact their national feeling were only fueled by the ones the Jewish people bought with them back to the region):
“….. A desolate country whose soil is rich enough, but is given over wholly to weeds… a silent mournful expanse…. a desolation…. we never saw a human being on the whole route…. hardly a tree or shrub anywhere. Even the olive tree and the cactus, those fast friends of a worthless soil, had almost deserted the country.”
About the Second Intifada, you wrote "It was mostly caused by young boys throwing stones at Israeli police, who were then killed with lethal ammunition". This is a big fat lie, and comes to show how people are misinformed. The Second Initifada was led by militant Terror Organizations such as Hamas and the Islamic Jihad. It was not caused by "young boys", but by well trained terrorist, who penetrated Israeli and bombed themselves near synagogues, restaurants, schools, etc. Countless Israelis died while trying to live their day-to-day lives, only because they were in the wrong place at the wrong time.
Does this look like the doing of "young boys"? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ESBnI0ipo7g (30 Israelis died while celebrating the Passover holiday in a hotel in the small town of Netanya).
Bottom line - As a young Israeli journalist, I can assure you we want none of these wars. I don't know where you get your conspiracy theories from, but they are not true at all. Like any nation, we just want to live in peace without getting killed or targeted out of of mere hatred. Israel is willing to talk to the Palestinians and achieve a two-state solutions, as claimed again and again by our leading political figures. We only need a partner on the other side that is willing "to go the extra mile". A compromise of sorts much be reached, but we need to know who to work with: the Palestinians currently are divided between two different leading political entities (Hamas in Gaza, PLO in the West Bank). Until they reach peace within themselves, we certainly can't do it for them.
Hi again Saarvardi. It is good to talk to an actual Israeli and someone who is knowledgeable about the subject.
Anyway, I somewhat contest with the idea that there is blood on the hands of every person living. I don't find it morally justifiable that people living today are responsible for what their ancestors did, even if they reap the benefits of their actions. You're right in that is how the world works, but I think the purpose of the modern age is to move away from that mindset and to not repeat history by forcing people to abide by your rules.
I also do believe that the Palestinians have as much a claim of heritage to the land of Palestine as the Israelis. To me, they are both indigenous. The Philistines and the Israelites both mingled together circa 1100 BC, after the arrival of the Canaanites and the fall of the Bronze Age. As time wore on, the Israelis were subjected to a lot of persecution, being forced to flee from their homes and travel across the world as nomads. I agree that their persecution throughout history is a horrible thing, and that they never had a nation to call their own. But then again, neither do the Roma.
the Palestinians to compromise in even the most "slightest" matters, such as recognizing Israel's right to exist (that means that technically, they want me dead).
Not entirely true. Like any group, there are different sects. Those willing to compromise, and those unwilling. Hamas, for example, came to power thanks to majority vote, and defeated Fatah and the PLO in 2006. They offered Israel a 10 year truce agreement in exchange for withdrawal of Israeli territories from West Bank and East Jerusalem. Which was the original terms of the Oslo Accords in 1993, which have never been finalized.
In the Gaza strip (which was evacuated of all Israeli presence back in '05, and in '07 taken in a military uprising by Hamas)
This is true, Gaza was mostly evacuated of an economically nonviable area of 1.2 million Palestinians that is of little use to Israel. This is to distract the Palestinians with the promise of a sovereign nation while they concentrate on swallowing up the West Bank in Jewish Settlements.
led by the extremist Hamas movement, which in the 90's and 2000's was responsible for recurring attacks against Israeli civilians.
Mostly because Rabin was a assassinated by Jewish extremists, in an effort to sabotage the peace process. As a result, Netenyahu of a right wing party came to power (an extremist in his own right) and turned Arafat and the PLO into scapegoats for the bombings perpetuated because of occupied Palestinians.
In the West Bank, the more moderate PLO has control over the population. Both people have elected officials, they have ministers and priminister (Ismail Hanya in Gaza, Mahmud Abbas in the West Bank). These goverments collect tax, they operate a local police force, are responsible for education and infrastructure, hold overseas embassies and have representitives all over the world - and basically function like a state, only they are not called one as of yet.
11%!!!!! Only 11% of the Palestinian Authority actually control the West Bank. The rest is Israeli occupied. And this is still after the IDF steamrolled into their headquarters in 2001 and reconquered most of the West Bank, imprisoning Arafat in his own home. Doesn't sound so generous to me, or like much of a sovereign state.
The 1993 Oslo accords called for the resettlement of Israelis from Jericho, West Bank, even though it is still occupied by Israel.
So to state that Israel has control over the Gaza strip is ignorance at its worst - we do not want the control the Hamas led strip as much as they don't want to be controlled by us.
In fact, Israel has created an entire embargo on the Gaza Strip, as long as the democratically elected Hamas party is in power. Which is destorying their infrastructure, education, healthcare, etc. Not to mention Israel bombs and invades Gaza on a yearly basis. It is such a wonder as to why they keep firing rockets at Israel.
. The West Bank does in fact have a "problem" of Jewish settlements. To order the evacuation of these is atrocious in my mind. I think the big masses of cities will eventually stay part of Israel, in exchange of a lesser populated area to be given to the Palestinians. The smaller ones, who are deep inside the West Bank, may (as far as i'm concerned) be part of the future Palestinian state. If its OK for Israel to exist with 1.5 million Muslim Arabs, I think Palestine can exist with a few thousand Jews. Otherwise, THAT would be Appertheid (sorry for the typo).
The problem is that these Jewish settlements are illegal under international law, http://www.un.org/apps/news/story.asp?NewsID=41329&Cr=palestin& ; ; ; ;Cr1#.UtCuJPRDuSoin what is supposed to be a "sovereign Palestinian state". You have a problem with them being evacuated from the West Bank, but apparently have no problem with thousands of indigenous Palestinian arabs being evacuated from their homes in Israel, such as the Bedouin? The Oslo Accords, as well as the 2003 Roadmap to Peace, called for expansion of Palestinian control over the West bank, and yet most of it was reconquered by Israel after a slew of suicide bombings which Yasser Arafat had no control over. And still today, Israeli settlements continue to grow into the West Bank, and Palestinian control continues to shrink. It is certainly not as black and white as you paint it.
East Jerusalem is occupied by Israel, and yet is supposed to be under Palestinian Authority. But no, Israel continues to expand and strip Palestinians of their right to residency. http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/8390717.stm The problem is that Israel has refused to compromise with the Palestinian control over the West Bank that was established in the Oslo Accords and the Road Map for Peace.
About the Second Intifada, you wrote "It was mostly caused by young boys throwing stones at Israeli police, who were then killed with lethal ammunition". This is a big fat lie, and comes to show how people are misinformed. The Second Initifada was led by militant Terror Organizations such as Hamas and the Islamic Jihad. It was not caused by "young boys", but by well trained terrorist, who penetrated Israeli and bombed themselves near synagogues, restaurants, schools, etc. Countless Israelis died while trying to live their day-to-day lives, only because they were in the wrong place at the wrong time.
Unfortunately, what you just wrote was a lie as well. The Second Intifadah was certainly involved with escalated violence between Israeli/Palestinian clashes, but it was NOT CAUSED by Hamas or the myth of Islamic Jihad. It was caused when Ariel Sharon marched into the Temple Mount with 1000 security guards, seen as a provocation of the Israeli occupation of East Jerusalem and the West Bank, of which Israel had still not withdrawn 7 years after the Oslo Accords. Six years after the agreement, there were more Israeli settlements, less freedom of movement, and worse economic conditions. http://www.theguardian.com/world/2001/jul/20/comment
What began as a few hundred protesters throwing shoes at Sharon's police escort following prayers at al-Aqsa mosque had within hours erupted into demonstrations across the Palestinian territories, with chants of "we want an intifada".
The following day, September 29, Israeli forces opened fire on crowds of unarmed demonstrators in al-Aqsa compound, killing seven and wounding more than 100. "People are being massacred! Bring the ambulances," echoed from the mosque's loudspeakers.
Demonstrations raged throughout the West Bank and Gaza. Israeli forces repeatedly met the stone-throwing crowds with live ammunition.
It was Israelis killing protestors with lethal ammunition that sparked the violence.
There wan no Palestinian state in Israel before 1948. There never was. The Palestine which existed was "a geopolitical entity under British administration, carved out of Ottoman Southern Syria after World War I" (source: wiki).
No, and neither was there a Jewish one. But there was a majority of Palestinian people living in Palestine for many generations. Who have been forced to flee thanks to war, eviction, and persecution. How can the Jews lay claim to the land and not the Palestinians? They both have equal claim in my eyes.
ere's how famed author Mark Twain described the country way back in 1867 (evidence that there never was a flourishing Palestinian state, and that in fact their national feeling were only fueled by the ones the Jewish people bought with them back to the region):
“….. A desolate country whose soil is rich enough, but is given over wholly to weeds… a silent mournful expanse…. a desolation…. we never saw a human being on the whole route…. hardly a tree or shrub anywhere. Even the olive tree and the cactus, those fast friends of a worthless soil, had almost deserted the country.”
I can assure you, Israel is 90% reliant on foreign aid, mostly from the USA's annual 5 billion dollar supplement they provide.
Bottom Line, I can see why you feel that the Palestinians are at fault. There have been successful and unsuccessful peace negotiations throughout, that have been marred by sectarian violence and misfortune on both sides of the conflict. There are people, Israeli and Palestinian, that wish to see the peace process fail. The core issues are this:
1) Full Israeli withdrawal from West Bank and East Jerusalem.
2) Full withdrawal of Israeli embargo upon Gaza Strip (embargoing an extremist party will not bring peace, if you really want it).
3) Full right of return for all Palestinian refugees.
As it is, I find Israeli Government to be mostly hypocritical in their "quest for peace and two state solution" as even today they are planning to build more settlements in West Bank and continue to bomb Gaza on a weekly basis. Israel is supposed to be on the moral highground here, so why do they continue to persecute the Palestinians? They even persecute their own, and use the memories of the Holocaust as justification for their theocratic, apartheid state. After all http://www.ynetnews.com/articles/0,7340,L-4337304,00.html.
Try not to be swept up in the nationalistic cry. History is repeating itself.
Limit of the Willing Suspension of Disbelief: directly proportional to its awesomeness. reply share