MovieChat Forums > The Color Purple (1986) Discussion > Who Would Make Your SOB List? Danny Glov...

Who Would Make Your SOB List? Danny Glover Is On Mine

Danny Glover plays an ultimate prick in this movie.

He's on my list of total SOBs depicted in a movie.

My other picks are Dwight Yoakam in Sling Blade, Tim Roth in Rob Roy, and Lionel Barrymore in It's a Wonderful Life.

Any thoughts on who would make your movie SOB list?


But you're missing the point of the story that Mister redeemed himself by paying for Nettie and kids to return home. Considering that he was raised by a ding a ling daddy, it's no wonder the way that he turned out the way he did.


He wasn't a prick in the Lethal Weapon series


Nor was he a prick in "Predator 2." And he defeated the predator.


I love him, but Tony Goldwyn in Ghost killing Sam aka Patrick Swayze and General Zod in Superman II. Arrogant prick he was!!
