Hi there, I don't see how "Code of Silence" could have warranted an R rating on the basis of "Medium Level Violence". There may be some scenes of violence, but it seems more on the line of an M or an MA standard.
well back then in the 80's they didn't have an MA rating, they probably thought it was too violent for an M rating. its kinda like the UK ratings, they have 15 and then 18 and nothing in between. although, they could have changed the rating to MA when it was released on DVD but didn't. Invasion USA was rated MA on DVD so there isn't a reason i can think of why this one is R rated.
i haven't seen this yet so i don't know for sure how violent it is.
i have seen however 'Forced Vengence' and that does NOT deserve a R rating for HIGH LEVEL VIOLENCE! i went and bought that thinking it was gonna be really violent and there is just alot of fighting and a few shootings.
I think the R rating for "Forced Vengeance" would probably be for the scene where Chuck`s girlfriend gets raped, although not graphic in content apart from the boobies, I would think that scene alone would warrant a higher rating.