Scarlet's Dress

I've seen this movie about a thousand times, and I absolutely love it, but the one thing that gets me is Miss Scarlet's dress. It is so unflattering to her particular curves and I can't help thinking that it will fall off her chest at any moment. It's not seeing her cleavage that disturbs me, it just bugs me so much. Maybe guys liked it, maybe they thought it was hot, but I thought it was horrible.

James Oglethorpe: Philanthropist by day, Philanderer by night


The dress isn't flattering in my opinion either. But maybe it suits the character, flashy and seductive. I did like the sheer wrap though.

If we can save humanity, we become the caretakers of the world


She looked gorgeous in it, as far as I'm concerned.

Hey there, Johnny Boy, I hope you fry!


I liked the outfit...but Yvette's was better :)

"Mankind cannot solve the world's problems. Mankind is the problem."


Sj3059, I have always wondered how the dress manages to stay up, too. It has a horrible design because it's very sleazy, but I like the color. Mrs. Peacock's and Mrs. White's dresses are also sleazy and the one on Mrs. Peacock is incredibly ugly. As for Yvette, it's no shock that she works in a brothel.


I didn't think White or Peacock's dresses were sleazy. White looked like she was in a dress ready for a funeral. Not that strapless black dress is exactly appropriate for a funeral. It does kind of fit the black widow type of character she was. Peacock looked more tacky than sleazy, but she is Ms. Peacock so she has to show her colors.
I can see why some would think that Scarlet's dress doesn't look right. It did look like it was defying gravity and fit kind of odd. As a guy tho, I have no complaints. Except maybe that it did defy gravity. ;) Newton would be pissed.

*- Weddings are like funerals. Only you can smell your own flowers.
~Nick O'Malley


"Sj3059, I have always wondered how the dress manages to stay up, too"

Two-sided tape. Totally serious. Not that I can be 100% sure that's how it was done here, but it's fairly likely.


It was kind of tacky but she's a madam in the 1950s. She's supposed to be tacky.

Never hate your enemies. It affects your judgment. -Michael Corleone


I thought Scarlet's dress was perfect. It represented the old Hollywood style, which was often over the top and sometimes tacky.


I thought she looked amazing!


Oh, me too! They captured her look beautifully, I'm really miffed that so many people dislike it so much.


I LOVED her dress, especially the sheer shawl and the little coat with the really high collar. My second favorite costume was Mrs White.


Can someone tell me what color her dress is? I can never decide if it's a satin black, forest green, teal blue, or something else.


In one scene, she bends down and I thought to myself, "That dress is going to all off." And it very well may have and was edited out later. I guess it didn't bother me all that much because the dress fit the character; it went along with her personality and profession. Plus, I had a mild crush on Lesley Ann Warren for a while and I thought she looked great in Clue!

"I must express myself." - Delia Deetz
