MovieChat Forums > Chiller (1985) Discussion > Fascinating Subject,Would Give A 10,If ...

Fascinating Subject,Would Give A 10,If it Wasn't Almost Inaudible!

I had never seen this movie before,but it sounded so interesting that I got the DVD,and much of the speech you cannot even make out,plus the picture quality is atrocious. Must be the worst DVD transfer ever! I am so sorry to see here that the VHS version is just as bad,because I would buy the video in a flat minute,if it was better quality than my DVD!
What a shame,because this is truly a creepy film.


This truly is a spooky little film when you think about it. I'd go as far to say that this is one of Craven's better films.

"You can't triple stamp a double stamp. You can't triple stamp a double stamp."


I liked it too, and rate it as one of Cravens better efforts. However, I enjoyed another film with similar theme called FROZEN ALIVE much more. It's public domain and on lots of compilation DVDs.

The Eyes of the City are Mine! Mother Pressman / Anguish (1987)
