MovieChat Forums > Cat's Eye (1985) Discussion > The little kids smoking at the party..

The little kids smoking at the party..

Wonder how much they were paid to put those things up to their lips and inhale. Probably didn't inhale and probably were fakes, but couldn't pay me enough to do that..They really shouldn't ask kid actors to do that. Like on E.T., they forced the kid to say the GD word. He didn't want to take the Lord's name in vain and they forced him to.

I like cats named nightmare. I have a "nightmare" every night!


they were fakes. Real smoking wasnt going on on TV for a LOOOONG time now since it is banned. Every time you see a movie character smoke its fake. some countries even go as far as censor it outright.
And actors are there to act. No matter if its kids or not, if they refuse to act, then they shouldnt be hired. Of course kids got it easier with the fact that so fer of them are capable of acting.

Applied Science? All science is applied. Eventually.


This reminds me of the movie A Night to Remember (1958) about the Titanic.

The Titanic was a sort of a hotel as well as a ship, so its crew included many hotel workers. There is a scene during the sinking where several teenage bellboys are smoking in the lobby and their supervisor or someone tells them to stop smoking.

And I think that maybe the expresssion "rearranging the deck chairs on the Titanic" should be replaced by "Telling the bellboys on the Titanic not to smoke".

When I saw that scene I was shocked that their boss was telling them not to smoke instead of trying to get them on a lifeboat. And also shocked that such young kids were already helping to support an industry which causes so much evil and suffering.
