MovieChat Forums > Breaking All the Rules (1986) Discussion > If You Were A Fan Of USA UP ALL NIGHT! T...

If You Were A Fan Of USA UP ALL NIGHT! Then We Need Your Help! Please!!!

I thought that I would let everyone know that there is a petition out to help bring this great show back on the air again on the weekends! I remember a lot of great movies that USA UP ALL NIGHT showed on the weekends! This was great to see and watch!

They had your typical B movies, cult classics, horror movies, and a few mainstream movies. It was hosted on Friday nights by Rhonda Shear and on Saturday it was hosted by Gilbert Gottfried.

When I signed the petition there was only 45 signatures and when I signed I was #46 on the petition. Now there is over 789 signatures. We are almost hitting our first 1000 signatures on the petition!

I thought that I would pass the word onto as many people as I can to help get this show back on the weekends again! Please let your family and friends know about this who were fans of the show. Lets get this show back on the weekends again!

Thanks again!



I signed it. I loved that show. Right now, I'm trying to rent all the movies they showed on Up All Night. I totally miss those days! Good luck with the petition!

"I think only stupid people have good relationships."


Thanks man for helping out! I totally loved that show as well! I have several movies that I have purchased through the years that has been shown on USA UP ALL NIGHT! Some of those movies were not put onto VHS or DVD copy which really sucks!

I have been trying to get my hands on Vice Academy 5 with JJ North playing Bambi I believe the porn star or something in the movie but they have not made a VHS or a DVD copy of that movie.

I even have movies that they would have more than likely shown on USA UP ALL NIGHT if given the chance! I would not mind watching some of these movies cuddled up you know on a Friday or Saturday night. Let your friends and family know about the petition and thanks again!



Hey Rob I LOVED watching all the "B" movies on USA UP (In rhondas high pitched voice) All night as well!! You said you had several movies that were shown on there a website that lists these movies or did you just happen to have an awesome memory? lol



Hey that is great to hear that you loved watching all of the B movies that was on USA UP ALL NIGHT! I too loved hearing Rhonda Shear say "USA UP ALL NIGHT!" in her high pitched voice. LOL Those were the days! Yes I do have several moves that were shown on USA UP ALL NIGHT! Yes there actually is a website that lists some of the movies but not all of them though. I have a very good memory and that is how I remember. LOL

Dedicated to USA UP ALL NIGHT and the fans of the show!



what was it that you said there? I do not understand it at all!

Dedicated to USA UP ALL NIGHT and the fans!




Yes it is cool!


No it is not cool!


it is uncool
