Dave makes no sense

"Marty.. what a nice name!", proceeds to name her firstborn 'Dave'. What?

Dave is the oldest brother, yet has no car. Marty has a luxury 'dream car'. WHAT?

Dave wears a suit to the office, but doesn't have a car. Marty is still in school, but has a luxury 'dream car'. WHAAT?

Dave should have enough money to buy his own car by now, the parents should've also helped him with that earlier, especially concerning he has an office job, probably necessitating a car for commuting. Yet he has no car? WHY?

Dave has a (presumably) high-paying office job, but lives with his parents. HOW?

Dave and his whole family live in the same neighbourhood, same, exact house (also, same-SIZE house) they would've lived if they were much poorer and probably a class lower. WHAT kind of sense does that make?

Dave gets angry at always being the last one to know about 'these things' (which is an odd thing to say, makes no sense, and is very unspecified - what kind of things has he been the last one to know about, and WHY would that be, since he's the oldest brother, wearing a suit to the office, so shouldn't he be on top of things more than anyone else in the family, and thus the first to know about 'these things'?), but does NOT react to the fact that the family has two cars, one of which belongs to Marty, and the other that the rest of the family apparently shares..

..why would he even be reacting like that, if he had his own car?

Why does Dave assume Marty talks about the SHARED car, when he could be talking about his OWN car? Why doesn't ANYONE wonder or point out hor weird it is that Marty simply says 'the car', without specifying which car he is talking about?


Sorry, it's just so, so nonsensical, I couldn't help but write it in caps.

Pretty much nothing about Dave makes any sense. Also, since the 'future' (present) was changed because the past was tweaked, wouldn't that make enormous Butterfly-Effect that should reach well into how and when George and Lorraine reproduced, and perhaps completely different bunch of kids, maybe different ages and so on..?

In any case, the more you think about a movie, the more you can notice things that make no sense. Wouldn't it be wonderful if there was a movie that made sense? I haven't found such a miracle as of yet, I think Unicorns during blue moon standing next to Yetis are easier to find while watching UFOs in the sky.


Oh my God, shut the fuck up.

You're dumber than you'll ever know.


It's worse than that - this crap isn't even his own. He reads this garbage on screenrant and just regurgitates it here thinking it's somehow clever.


I'm pretty sure he's autistic. It's still annoying but at least an explanation for the behavior


Yeah, I've suggested that several times on some of his many "don't make sense" rants. He has no concept of humor - most of the people who point out movie illogic do it to be funny, or they have some particular axe to grind against the movie, director, or actor.

He also has no concept of sarcasm - another characteristic of someone on the spectrum. In another thread, someone wrote about the kids saying "tricks or treats" (plural) in It's the Great Pumpkin, Charlie Brown, so I wrote an off the wall explanation for it in an attempt to be funny (to at least a small degree of success I believe), and he thought I was being serious!


EDIT: I went back and reread that Charlie Brown thread and it seems there were others who didn't get my sarcasm/humor either. Imagine anyone thinking those replies were serious!!!

There's nothing wrong with being autistic, but after being told a thousand times his "don't make sense" posts are stupid and not funny, he's clearly not getting the message.


Yep, nothing wrong with autism but since it's a spectrum we see that his intelligence reaches the capability of typing well written sentences then he's smart and capable of understanding when to stop. At this point he's doing it to annoy people or just not listening. Autism is actually very mild for a lot of people and full grown adults know better.

I thought he said he was autistic in some replies but I could be confusing it with someone else


To a certain extent, I'm glad about this.


Avortac4 is either (A) a troll trying to waste everyone's time with such idiotic comments, or (B) the stupidest person on these message boards. Look at his posts. He doesn't think anything in any film makes sense. Don't feed the troll. Don't comment after my comment.


Agreed, the whole fixed 1985 is a half baked alternate reality that makes little sense.
But they wanted a big change to the family destiny with only little differences to the original one. Of course that makes no sense, but it works perfectly.


You actually agree with this crazy person?


"Dave makes no sense"

Yeah... Why Kevin Kline agreed to star in that flick remains a mystery


Can you make some "makes no sense" posts about the latest 2 dune movies ?


It makes no sense that Dave still lives there, so I always imagine that he just likes to eat breakfast at his parents' place and that his talk about the car was just him acting like a typical big brother.


I've always assumed the same about Dave, as you did, but with that in mind it created confusion for me about the car, as if four/five people were sharing the same car.


He makes a lot of fuss about the car, but I don't think he ever literally says he also drives that car?


I guess we just have different options for Dave's reaction to the car.


If avortac4 isn't an AI bot, then I'll eat my hat.


Dave's not here, man.
