Twin Pines Doc
So I guess it's safe to say that Twin Pines Doc died when the Libiyans shot him and he was replaced with Lone Pine Doc who pieced together the letter Twin Pines Marty gave him in 1955.
shareSo I guess it's safe to say that Twin Pines Doc died when the Libiyans shot him and he was replaced with Lone Pine Doc who pieced together the letter Twin Pines Marty gave him in 1955.
shareHmmm.... it's more like the opposite...
shareHow is it the opposite? In the beginning at Twin Pines Mall the Libyans shoot Doc and with as many times as they did one can assume he "died". And then when Marty goes to the past and gives him the letter that he tears up and then goes back to the 1985 Twin Pines Doc is now replaced by Lone Pine Doc who pieces together the letter and makes a bulletproof vest.
sharesounds right to me!