As Seinfeld once explained the complex psychology of 'how kids become friends', "I would've been friends with Stalin, if he had had a ping-pong-table" (I guess he didn't have the guts to say 'Hitler')
Kids befriend people easily and for VERY superficial reasons. You have interesting computers and electronic equipment? I WILL LIVE in your garage!
You have amazing inventions and a cute dog? Will you adopt me?
You have a cool car, neat truck and exciting audio equipment? Where do I have to sign to become your slave for life?
A kid befriends other kid because that other kid has a ping-pong table, look at all the stuff Doc has, and what an interesting life he lives compared to the mundane boredom of his horrible, dysfunctional family and probably not that many friends... why wouldn't he 'hang around' him?? I certainly would have as a kid / teenager.
As an adult.. well, I haven't quite reached that phase yet... still, I wouldn't hang around with Emmett nowadays, because I know he's not only a dangerous criminal, would put my life in danger (if the time travel experiment had failed, they'd BOTH be dead or in intensive care), works with terrorists, thinks it's OK to mock someone just because they're shy (George is doing his best, it's not HIS fault he's bullied, damnit!), is a bit of a perv (asks about a teenager's girlfriend's LOOKS as if that's the most important think to focus on during that moment of time-crisis!), etc..
And he experiments on ANIMALS, basically doing animal testing - he doesn't know the experiment won't fail, so he would basically kill EVERYONE involved, including his own dog if the experiment fails! Either super confidence or psychopathy (or both)...
When you think about it, Emmett is quite a creep with lot of screws loose, and everyone should avoid someone like him.