Am I the only guy that loved this?..and some other thoughts.
I watched this when I was growing up and was only like 9 when it came out. Plus many times more in the 80's because if I remember correctly the Disney channel had the rights to it for a while and used to show it. Now now that I look back it seems like it would of been more of a coming-of-age flick for girls. Having said that I still think it was one of the best things television put out back in the 80's along with the 80's television version of Alice in Wonderland.
I suppose for guys to relate to there was the Gilbert Blythe character. I always wanted them to get together because to me Anne was the exact type of girl I always liked. I think this helped form some of my views on television/movies today as I still love things based in this time period, literature, and pieces of work that show how simple romance used to be.
I wish I would of been born in this era people were different back then especially in more rural areas like P.E.I. The turn of the century was an interesting period this was before the Great Depression, WW1, the roaring 20's, etc. Does anyone else know of any good flicks or series based in this time period? It seems most are set in the eras before or after this. One of my all time favorite series I would still like to read the books someday. Does anyone know if there is a remake in the works or a hollywood version? I doubt it would be better than this though!