which episodes had...?
I am wondering if anyone knows the names of these 2 episodes. I can't seem to find the titles in the episode listings.
The first one was about a young girl who was at a birthday party & saw a clown performing. The clown gave her a musical top with a little man holding an umbrella, spinning around on it, and he told her that when she played the music & made 1 wish, that wish would come true. A few nights later the little girl is at her home with a babysitter - as it turned out, a very NASTY one; the babysitter repeatedly tormented the little girl in a frightening voice, until the girl is cornered (I think it was in the bathroom) while the babysitter hisses through the laundry chute (or some dark tunnel). Suddenly the babysitter saw something in front of her & screamed, and then we see the girl holding the musical top, with it playing. On the arm of the man spinning around was a red mark (presumably blood).
The second one was about a woman in a department store named Marsha, who finds herself locked in the store after hours & tries desperately to escape, all the time hearing voices & seeing the eyes of the mannequins move. It ended with Marsha herself becoming a mannequin.
Anyone who knows the names of these episodes....please help!