1959 & 1985

I haven't seen any episode from either series and I would like to ask if the 1985 series is a kind of remake of the 1959. Does it include the same stories remade or is it new stories?


Mostly new stories, with a few remakes of the original.

Veni, vidi, vermicelli
I came, I saw, I had pasta


Yeah like the person before me said some stories are remade and some were new stories but personally the 50's version was much better than the 80's version and the majority of the new stories in the 80's version were stupid and this is why the show didnt last long in the 80's.


There were SOME good stories in the 80's version. Kinda like a time capsule for the 80's also. I think you are in for a treat to watch both versions. I would alternate them. ๐Ÿ“€๐Ÿ”€๐Ÿ“บ
