Episode Lost by IMDb

The episode "Private Channel/Dreams for Sale" is completely omitted in Twilight Zone (1985) Episode Guide. There are only two teleplays and neither one is the one listed under that title. If anyone at IMDb monitors this board please get your people on correcting this! The second segment starred Meg Foster as someone in an industrial future world taking a break in a malfunctioning dream machine. The first segment involved a bomb threat on a plane that could only be heard by a young man with a "special" walkman. These creative teams deserve their proper credit!


I think that what you're looking for here is two separate segments recombined together for syndication in a half-hour timeslot. They were originally parts of two 1-hour episodes from the 1st and 2nd seasons, respectively:

Wordplay/Dreams for Sale/Chameleon (1985)

Joy Ride/Shelter Skelter/Private Channel (1987)

You'll want them in their original context, since it's likely that both were trimmed for time in order to fit together in the syndicated half-hour episode.

§« https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IhG6uc7fN0o »§
