Looking for episode where trees are extinct + people's life is currency
I've been trying to find this for years... at first I thought it was a movie, or short movie, but I'm inclined to believe now that it might be an episode from a tv series like Twilight Zone. I asked this before on yahoo answers but didn't get a correct answer...
http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index;_ylt=Agq_b1ymkEQqAYRkDQHwSMAjz KIX;_ylv=3?qid=20070316121356AAnhgRX
I'll copy the description here:
Looking for a sci-fi movie from the 1980's where trees are extinct and people's life is used as money?
I saw it on TV when I was about 7 so I remember bits here and there. It's about a future where all trees are cut down and people pay with time of their life, so for a example a drink would cost you 5 minutes of your life, or something of the sorts. There's one scene that I remember clearly where one guy literally drinks himself to death. He, as everybody else, has an electronic bracelet that indicates how much time he has to live, and he keeps drinking and drinking until the seconds start ticking away and he falls dead on the spot.
The only other scene I remember is what I assume was the ending, where some people find this hidden spot where some trees still grow.
Please if anyone knows, I've been looking for this one forever! Tried google, imdb, and even asking a guru but found no answer.
* 3 years ago
Additional Details
I'm from Paraguay, and I saw it on local TV, so it could be from the 70's, but I'm pretty sure from the image in my memory that the look was very 80ish. The movie was definitely in color. I can't remember much about the lead characters.
3 years ago
Spanish is correct :) Almost every movie that I saw on local TV at that period was dubbed, so I'm guessing that's the case. I'm pretty sure it's not a movie from a spanish native speaking language country; local TV, especially at that period of time, is not famous for showing out-of-the-mainstream movies
3 years ago
(I have this idea in my head that it was a short movie, not a full-length one. But I can't say it's 100% correct. Being a memory from so long ago I can't say if this wasn't mixed with some memory from another movie. The only thing I'm 100% sure is those 2 scenes I described in the question. That scene in the bar is the most clear. When the drunk guy was about to fall dead, he first looked at one of the main characters, knowing he was about to die. But nobody flinched, as if it was a common sight in that time)
3 years ago
I checked Soylent Green, but it's not it. Maybe it was an episode from a TV series ?? Being so long ago, I can't remember clearly anymore. All I remember is that I saw it on TV.
3 years ago
It's been driving me crazy trying to find out. I was even thinking I might have imagined it until recently I found someone else who had the same description! Even the same scenes! :
http://forums.eyesonff.com/lounge/127371-sort-like-twilight-zone-outer -limits.html
So that re-sparked my interest in finding it...
Anyone has the slightest clue of what this was from ???
Thanks! share