Need help finding an episode
I don't know for sure if this is from the Twilight Zone or not. I know it was in the late eighties or maybe early nineties. The episode felt like Outer Limits, but it isn't in any description I've read of the episodes. An internet search found nothing.
Basically, a woman is in space alone. She's talking a lot to her computer, who sounds male. They seem attracted to each other, but they will never be together. Something happens that a man has to come on board her ship. He's a real jerk and maybe even threatens to take her ship. She backs him up to the computer and it jabs some connector to the guys neck. The computer has now taken over his body and they finally can be together. They might have even had sex. Does this sound remotely familiar to anyone? I've searched for it for years and I can't find anything on it. I checked the series Monsters too and nothing sounds familiar there. It could have been on an R-rated channel like HBO or Showtime, but I can't find it anywhere.