Thundercats 2010 film?
I noticed last year they were doing a film.
Is it live action or a new cartoon?
If it's live then has anyone definitely been cast yet?
My suggestions to the casting directors:
Hugh Jackman would make a great Lion-o (although my first choice Heath Ledger would have been even better. R.I.P.)
Ving Rhames as Panthro GOT TO BE CAST!
Guy Pearce as Tygra
Christopher Lee as Jaga GOT TO BE CAST!
Wily-Kit - Dakota Fanning
Wily-Kat - Michael Cera (or is he too old? He'd tower over Dakota now I think of it!)
Cheetara - Jolene Blalock
Slithe - the guy from arrested development the dad who's constantly running away. completely cant remember his name but he has the build and the talent.
Mummra will be tricky
and I really can't be bothered for more baddies as its 4.45am. lol