Things the new T-Cats series should improve upon the original?
I've always enjoyed my time always debating ThunderCats as a series with people online and what topics we've always raied together, from every creative thread on our own ideas for a new series, its settings, voice cast etc. To now where a new series is actually on the horizon!
So with all that in mind figured now would be a time where we could have a last 'What if' scenario thinking up what might be apart of the new show, if they've looked at the previous classic version and said changes and mixups are in order to re-envision and re-address the show for today's 21st Century audiences!
A dozen changes and updates i'd like to see offhand are the following...
1) Thundera as it blows up and the Thundercats/nobles actually leaving (like they did in ThunderCats Ho! Like when Panthro saved young Lion-O and saving their 'Time Capsule')
2) Naked ThunderCats. Will the pilot episode of the new series fully "clothes" them now, lol?
3) A bit more of a substantial backstory into why they're fighting with The Mutants of Plun-Dar. Possibly even show Plun-Dar as well?
4) Explain or even show that it was Jaga who messed around with Lion-O's suspension capsule? Jokingly explain and show Jaga giving him steriod gasses to explain the massive muscles (lol, not serious about that one, hehehe?). Just explain that Jaga painstakingly took some risks for Lion-O's childhood to make him ThunderCats' leader upon arrival at 3rd Earth, and thus made the hard choice of tampering with his capsule while the ThunderCats were in stasis for many years in hyperspace!
5) Mutants are way more badass, evil and dangerous than before. Perhaps even greatly technologically more superior to the ThunderCats themselves, and the ThunderCats only have an edge when it comes down to their mystical weapons (Sword Of Omens, Star of Thundera, Book Of Omens, Treasure Of Thundera. etc) as well as their paranormal abilities, tactical knowhow (brains) etc.
No campy Mutants. Also make'em far more dangerous fighters in combat for the Thundercats to compete against in battle. Panthro will have to earn his oneliner about; If you were as mean as you are ugly?, then maybe you'd be trouble!
6) Mumm-Ra's backstory! And hoping he keeps his bad-ass intimidating look and isn't too changed in the new show!
7) Grune The Destroyer. GIVE GRUNE ALOT MORE THAN JUST 3 APPEARENCES IN THE NEW SERIES!!! Bad ass character is litrary dying for some major backstory unlike the classic series which hardly used him. Also please explain his "invulnerability" to Thundrainium. Through whatever means; experimentation, magics, genetics etc??!
8) More humans. I totally understand it was a show about Anthropomorphism or anthropomorphic humanoid animals talking and being full of humanoid characteristics and whatnot. but it wouldn't hurt if more actual humans turned up besides the female 'Warrior Maidens', Safari Joe, Dr Dometome, Malcar, Wizz-Ra, Captain Bragg and The Shadowmaster!
Hopefully those listed will more of an appearence (hopefully), especially the Warrior maidens!
9) Make the 3 New Thundercats standout as much in their own right when they arrive on the scene? Pumyra, Bengali and Lynx-O. and i'm hoping this time round Bengali wouldn't be a Tygra 'clone' wearing almost the same gear.
He is a 'Blacksmith' give him somekind of "Medieval Knight" like armor and a massively huge hammer as his main weapon (once thrown in battle, it returns to his hand like the Norse God Thor's hammer does!). Make Bengali knowledgable about a little 'Alchemy' and make a villain like 'Malcar' out to be his rival. Keep Pumyra the same just make her more lovely in appearence (giving Cheetara some competition) and make Lynx-O out to be a blind Monk (kinda like Cain from Kung-Fu) of sorts and dangerous.
10) Storyarc wise have the old morals and seperate stories fleshing out 3rd Earth early on in the beginning. But also allow for some new foes and friends faces in the new series which we haven't seen nor heard of yet!
But lets keep and flesh out the old ones like; Mongor, Queen Tartara, Queen Of 8-Legs, Malcar, The Driller, The Molemen, Robear Berbils, The Wollos, The Rock Giants etc.
11) No "New Thundera" Re-Formation Business. Bad season 2 jump-the-shark moment! All adventures take place on 3rd Earth, Thundera's gone period. The ThunderCats combat The Mutants and Mumm-Ra, help their 3rd Earth friend, mine *Thundrillium* and are trying to find and locate other Thunderian survivors (possibly with the Thunderscope?).
Also inlcude no cheesy elements from the old series' season 2 either.
12) 'Lynxana' from the Marvel-Starr comic is introduced in the new 2011 series!
Get the rights, i don't care what it takes WB. Thi character is sooooo...... respected and cool that she was sorely missing from the cartoon series of the original. Fans love her and she'd be the perfect on-and-off again potential *lover/rival* for Lion-O!
[Bakers dozen] (which is 13 lol )
13) The Lunataks. Lose the pink & purple and make'em independent *Insane Uber Powerful* group of warriors, hellbent on attacking and killing the ThunderCats, The Mutants, The Shadowmaster and Mumm-Ra. Basically everyone on 3rd Earth. Alot more darker and dangerous than their previous 80's version!
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