MovieChat Forums > Thundercats (1985) Discussion > Things the new T-Cats series should impr...

Things the new T-Cats series should improve upon the original?

I've always enjoyed my time always debating ThunderCats as a series with people online and what topics we've always raied together, from every creative thread on our own ideas for a new series, its settings, voice cast etc. To now where a new series is actually on the horizon!

So with all that in mind figured now would be a time where we could have a last 'What if' scenario thinking up what might be apart of the new show, if they've looked at the previous classic version and said changes and mixups are in order to re-envision and re-address the show for today's 21st Century audiences!

A dozen changes and updates i'd like to see offhand are the following...

1) Thundera as it blows up and the Thundercats/nobles actually leaving (like they did in ThunderCats Ho! Like when Panthro saved young Lion-O and saving their 'Time Capsule')

2) Naked ThunderCats. Will the pilot episode of the new series fully "clothes" them now, lol?

3) A bit more of a substantial backstory into why they're fighting with The Mutants of Plun-Dar. Possibly even show Plun-Dar as well?

4) Explain or even show that it was Jaga who messed around with Lion-O's suspension capsule? Jokingly explain and show Jaga giving him steriod gasses to explain the massive muscles (lol, not serious about that one, hehehe?). Just explain that Jaga painstakingly took some risks for Lion-O's childhood to make him ThunderCats' leader upon arrival at 3rd Earth, and thus made the hard choice of tampering with his capsule while the ThunderCats were in stasis for many years in hyperspace!

5) Mutants are way more badass, evil and dangerous than before. Perhaps even greatly technologically more superior to the ThunderCats themselves, and the ThunderCats only have an edge when it comes down to their mystical weapons (Sword Of Omens, Star of Thundera, Book Of Omens, Treasure Of Thundera. etc) as well as their paranormal abilities, tactical knowhow (brains) etc.

No campy Mutants. Also make'em far more dangerous fighters in combat for the Thundercats to compete against in battle. Panthro will have to earn his oneliner about; If you were as mean as you are ugly?, then maybe you'd be trouble!

6) Mumm-Ra's backstory! And hoping he keeps his bad-ass intimidating look and isn't too changed in the new show!

7) Grune The Destroyer. GIVE GRUNE ALOT MORE THAN JUST 3 APPEARENCES IN THE NEW SERIES!!! Bad ass character is litrary dying for some major backstory unlike the classic series which hardly used him. Also please explain his "invulnerability" to Thundrainium. Through whatever means; experimentation, magics, genetics etc??!

8) More humans. I totally understand it was a show about Anthropomorphism or anthropomorphic humanoid animals talking and being full of humanoid characteristics and whatnot. but it wouldn't hurt if more actual humans turned up besides the female 'Warrior Maidens', Safari Joe, Dr Dometome, Malcar, Wizz-Ra, Captain Bragg and The Shadowmaster!

Hopefully those listed will more of an appearence (hopefully), especially the Warrior maidens!

9) Make the 3 New Thundercats standout as much in their own right when they arrive on the scene? Pumyra, Bengali and Lynx-O. and i'm hoping this time round Bengali wouldn't be a Tygra 'clone' wearing almost the same gear.

He is a 'Blacksmith' give him somekind of "Medieval Knight" like armor and a massively huge hammer as his main weapon (once thrown in battle, it returns to his hand like the Norse God Thor's hammer does!). Make Bengali knowledgable about a little 'Alchemy' and make a villain like 'Malcar' out to be his rival. Keep Pumyra the same just make her more lovely in appearence (giving Cheetara some competition) and make Lynx-O out to be a blind Monk (kinda like Cain from Kung-Fu) of sorts and dangerous.

10) Storyarc wise have the old morals and seperate stories fleshing out 3rd Earth early on in the beginning. But also allow for some new foes and friends faces in the new series which we haven't seen nor heard of yet!

But lets keep and flesh out the old ones like; Mongor, Queen Tartara, Queen Of 8-Legs, Malcar, The Driller, The Molemen, Robear Berbils, The Wollos, The Rock Giants etc.

11) No "New Thundera" Re-Formation Business. Bad season 2 jump-the-shark moment! All adventures take place on 3rd Earth, Thundera's gone period. The ThunderCats combat The Mutants and Mumm-Ra, help their 3rd Earth friend, mine *Thundrillium* and are trying to find and locate other Thunderian survivors (possibly with the Thunderscope?).

Also inlcude no cheesy elements from the old series' season 2 either.

12) 'Lynxana' from the Marvel-Starr comic is introduced in the new 2011 series!

Get the rights, i don't care what it takes WB. Thi character is sooooo...... respected and cool that she was sorely missing from the cartoon series of the original. Fans love her and she'd be the perfect on-and-off again potential *lover/rival* for Lion-O!


[Bakers dozen] (which is 13 lol )

13) The Lunataks. Lose the pink & purple and make'em independent *Insane Uber Powerful* group of warriors, hellbent on attacking and killing the ThunderCats, The Mutants, The Shadowmaster and Mumm-Ra. Basically everyone on 3rd Earth. Alot more darker and dangerous than their previous 80's version!



Destiny Found


I'd agree with most of that - especially the whole backstory issues! Of course, most cartoons from that period had little or no backstory into the adversarial issues. One notable exception was "Defenders Of The Earth", where Flash explains Ming's intentions to Mandrake and Lothar - "his home planet Mongo is dying from a lack of resources - he plans to leave Mongo and invade the Earth".

Regarding the Lunataks, I might be inclined to scrap them altogether.

Thundera reforming, I'm 25000% in agreement with you there, that was several steps too far! It should never have happened.

The "newer" characters might conceivably be introduced with the old ones at the very beginning. Certainly, flesh them out a bit, I like your suggestions for Bengali.

A few suggestions of my own here:

Don't overdo the catcphrases. Especially THE catchphrase. It's a great hook, but when overdone, just gets annoying, and when that catchphrase was used in the later series, it was, "oh, that's that taken care of then". Try not having it in every episode! (I know, Lion-O's annointment stuff, but he did it rather pointlessly at the end of that!)

And that's another thing - the Lion-O-centric format of the original. Change that! You've got an ensemble cast of cats, give them all some proper development this time! Despite running for only 13 episodes, "Visionaries" managed to centre episodes around almost all the main characters (individually or in pairs/groups), which is saying something for a show with 15 leads!


Agreed on the new series avoiding being too "Lion-O Centric". Classic series did a bit too much in making Lion-O out to be so nearly 'unbeatable' with the Sword Of Omens. Yes he's a boy in a man's body (albeit with "Paranormal" abilities once in adulthood) but give him the inexperienced-ness of a unprepared person growing into the leadership role a bit moreso.

A few solo adventures with the others cast members, yup i wholeheartly agree would be for the best for a new T-Cats series.

I still think a newer version of the "Anointment Trials" featuring Lion-O for the new T-Cats series would kick major-ass though! Just as the original did.

Also unlike in the 80's its highly likely that the first season of this whole new series will be 13 to 22 episode or so? Unlike those massive 65 syndicated format cartoons which are long gone now (sadly?). So the episodes will certainly have to be divided in ways to cater to the storyarcs for characters and overall plot-threads and themes the show wants to tell, in a much shorter window of 'seasons' and the weeks a season's made into, due to how things have changed for animated shows over the previous 2 and half decades since T-Cats was around and first started out.


Destiny Found


"I still think a newer version of the "Anointment Trials" featuring Lion-O for the new T-Cats series would kick major-ass though! Just as the original did."

Not a bad idea - the Annointment Trials were the only episodes not to feature the catchphrase (assuming you count the vision in Mumm-Ra's cauldron in "Excalibur").

"Also unlike in the 80's its highly likely that the first season of this whole new series will be 13 to 22 episode or so? Unlike those massive 65 syndicated format cartoons which are long gone now (sadly?). So the episodes will certainly have to be divided in ways to cater to the storyarcs for characters and overall plot-threads and themes the show wants to tell, in a much shorter window of 'seasons' and the weeks a season's made into, due to how things have changed for animated shows over the previous 2 and half decades since T-Cats was around and first started out."

Well, 65-episode seasons are arguably a bit too long. However, with seasons of only about 20 episodes, say, you could still have slow-burning storylines that acquire momentum towards the end of the season - have little bits and bobs tucked away in some early and middle episodes that all come to fruition at the climax.



And while i want the new T-Cats series to be darker yet more rounded (in terms of backstory and subtle touches, nods, motifs etc) and be something far more epic in scale and depth. I don't want them to make the same mistake DC's Wildstorm comics did and make everything overtly darker or make random judgements on making everything way too deep, simplistic stories and lighthearted-ness also have their advantages too however.

And they might also be smart enough to reference the 'classic' show at some point somehow.


Matt Damon on Jimmy Kimmel Live


"And they might also be smart enough to reference the 'classic' show at some point somehow."

As long as it's not overdone of course! They need to be faithful to the original while at the same time correcting its faults, which will require a degree of separation or six.


make kit and kat, more badass. i mean there these two kids who watched there planet been destroyed, now instead of being kids the've been forced to grow up faster them most and now have to become heroes...and deep down they both hate it.

make cheerata and panthro lovers

Thunderbirds Aren't Slow


Oh another thing, Wily Kit was in a prearranged marriage with the child Lion-O,(something neither of them were ever happy with, but they accepted the agreement) when the capsule aged him and not her. they have to both deal with the aftermath of this and the fact that Wily Kit is free of the agreement

Thunderbirds Aren't Slow


The main villains need to be more intelligent and more lethal than they were in their original incarnation (as lethal as you can get on a show that I'm guessing will be aimed at all ages). Don't make it so easy for the Thundercats to triumph over the Mutants, Mumm-Ra, etc. Make them really work and struggle to win.

Cut back on random throwaway villains from outer space. Focus more on the conflict with the main villains & how that conflict came to be.

Make the Sword of Omens less powerful & make Lion-O less reliant on it.

Pretty much all the heroes & heroines could stand to be fleshed out more than they were in the original series. Lynx-O struggling to adapt to being blind should make for a compelling arc if you show just how hard it is for him to adjust.

No reforming Thundera. Thundera should be long gone and left gone.

If the animation budget allows for new character designs, show Wilykit & Wilykat growing up if you get more than one season.


"The main villains need to be more intelligent and more lethal than they were in their original incarnation (as lethal as you can get on a show that I'm guessing will be aimed at all ages). Don't make it so easy for the Thundercats to triumph over the Mutants, Mumm-Ra, etc. Make them really work and struggle to win."

I'd agree with that. It would be interesting to give Rataro a more regular role in proceedings too - the whole power struggle with Slithe could make for interesting character development.

"Cut back on random throwaway villains from outer space. Focus more on the conflict with the main villains & how that conflict came to be."

With the exception of Safari Joe, I again agree.

"Make the Sword of Omens less powerful & make Lion-O less reliant on it."

Quite - I said as much myself a few months ago, cut down on "the catchphrase", because there's some episodes where it's basically a fix-all. I speak of episodes like "Mechanical Plague", "Tight Squeeze" and "The Shifter", and most of the later series, like pressing the button on Captain Bragg's Circus Train and suchlike, and "Bracelet Of Power", where it knocks Mumm-Ra for six, which it couldn't do in the first season!

"Pretty much all the heroes & heroines could stand to be fleshed out more than they were in the original series. Lynx-O struggling to adapt to being blind should make for a compelling arc if you show just how hard it is for him to adjust."

Agreed again. My gripes about the Lion-O-centric format are well-documented on here. Lynx-O learning to use his other senses would be very good indeed.

"No reforming Thundera. Thundera should be long gone and left gone."

Here, here! That was just too dodgy, once a planet blows up, that should be the end of it!

"If the animation budget allows for new character designs, show Wilykit & Wilykat growing up if you get more than one season."

That's an interesting one, to be sure. Perhaps a better way of phrasing it is "decide if Wilykit & Wilykat are kittens or grown-up cats" - because half the time the writers couldn't make their minds up!


I agree that the episodes should not be Lion-O centric.. I mean everytime they all got captured and Lion-o rescued them; it would piss me off.. lol

I didnt know that Jaga interfered to make Lion-o the lord.. that is fraud isnt it lol?

I agree with those random evil characters that Mum-ra summons.. why cant he/she fight thundercats himself if he is so powerful?

why does Mumra hate Lion-o? before they came, he was just sleeping? so why does them arriving make any difference?

I dont think that swords of omen was that powerful really! it needs to be more powerful as it broke way too easily!! and it just doesnt make sense for them to "mold" it together and it starts working off the bat.. i just didnt get that bit!

I think those people who arrived later "lunartacks" or whatever, they were evil but can you imagine Thundercats fighting against them, Mutants and Mumra.. that will be too much!


Ok, no bloody new thundera, its gone deal with it. And show the rest of the team coming to terms with that.

Establish who the twin’s parents are…I always thought Tygra and some unknown kitty!

Don’t end almost every episode taking the piss out of Snarf, he’s an annoying little git (I got used to him eventually) but he saved the day, more then bloody once. He should be used as more then just comic relief…and no bloody Snarfer!

Thunderbirds Aren't Slow


"Establish who the twin’s parents are…I always thought Tygra and some unknown kitty!"

Exactly how the Thunderkittens characters work was always a bit confusing. They really need to have proper character development for the kittens, rather than having them as grown-up or childish simply as per the demands of the story.

"Don’t end almost every episode taking the piss out of Snarf, he’s an annoying little git (I got used to him eventually) but he saved the day, more then bloody once. He should be used as more then just comic relief"

Agreed. Some people imagine that he was the one always getting captured, but far from it! The only times I can distinctly remember Snarf being captured (and no other Thundercats) are "The Terror Of Hammerhand" and "Eye Of The Beholder". Compared to the number of times he saved the day - "Trapped" (twice!), "Safari Joe", "Spitting Image", not to mention "The Crystal Queen" and "Snarf Takes Up The Challenge".

"…and no bloody Snarfer!"

I'll go along with that - Snarfer was bloody annoying!


Nice to see the thread's got fans talking!

When the first few promos for the new series turns up (hopefully very soon) feel free to cope and paste this thread of mine over to the Thundercats 2011 boards for contiued discussion if i haven't done so already lol.

Welcome back DarthBill, you're always missed around these parts dude. Same goes for LiamABC and others.

Establish who the twin’s parents are…I always thought Tygra and some unknown kitty!

Is Tygra a player lol. Sounds kinda sassy there doesn't it. But yeah Wilykat and kit's parents could very well be answered in this newer series. They don't have to be Tygra and Cheetara's kids or Jaga's grandchildren etc in relation to the other ThunderCats in order to make some sort of "forced" family ties in the new series. However as late 2010 news goes, seems thats kinda decision already been made with news of Tygra and Lion-O being half brothers of sorts...

I kid you not.

Larry Kenney Reveals More Information on New ThunderCats Series! (scroll down halfway)

Both sons of Claudis? One's a Tiger and the other a Lion yet Lion-O is Claudis' direct heir to the throne as prince Lion-O! Nice to know Tygra's royalty now and he was my favorite character in the classic series next to Panthro, Lion-O and Pumyra.


Virtua Fighter 5-FS For X-Box360 Console Sega


Wow, Tygra and Lion-O brothers, well that could answer why Lion-O did once tell tygra that if anything happened to him, he would be the next Lord of the Thundercats! as brothers maybe that will have to be explained. but it will be interesting that if Tygra was heir apparent, until Lion-O was old enough to taker the thrown, then the fact that Lion-O was aged perhaps deliberately, then he has the issue that the role he was meant to fufiul is meaningless!

one thing i would like to see is the character of Snarf explored and the role of the Snarfs in the Thundercat society. now they were the servants of the thunderians after all, but they are the one race that doesn't feel hate. now what is Snarf aside from being the nursemaid of the thunder cats, also had a family of his own. when thundera was destroyed, they all left. but the child Lion-O forbade Snarf from leaving so he watched his family leave knowing that he would never see them again, at some level since it later turned out that Lion-O wasn;t going to be a child for much longer, Snarf has at some level become angry and bitter. it would be an interesting twist to the character, as he struggles to find his place on third earth!

Thunderbirds Aren't Slow


"Wow, Tygra and Lion-O brothers, well that could answer why Lion-O did once tell tygra that if anything happened to him, he would be the next Lord of the Thundercats!"

I always figured Tygra was next in command anyway - there's plenty more evidence besides that. Take "Pumm-Ra" - Tygra is identified as having been chosen by Jaga to lead the Thundercat Council. Also, "The Unholy Alliance", when Tygra overrules Panthro and lets Lion-O wander off on his own. It was clearly his call to make.

One thing it probably does explain a lot more is why, during the Annointment Trials, Tygra was the one who most seemed to relish testing Lion-O and trying to make him fail.


When the series was out as a kid, many people of all ages were either huge Lion-O or Panthro fans, they where quite macho, tough and muscular looking character fans got into etc. But i always figured Tygra was tough and fasinating in his own unique way, he was; intelligent, crafty, wise etc, he obviously posessed those 'Second-In-Command qualities. Ted Wolf took the natural abilities of cats in general and simply exaggerated them for these fictional creations of his.

As the episode; "Snarf Takes Up The Challenge" roughly describes it; snarf wasn't as....

"As wise and gifted as Tygra" (Clips shows Tygra turning Invisible)

"Strong and technically proficent in skills as Panthro" (showcases Panthro's feats of strength and technical skill behind the Thundertank)

"As Fast and graceful as Cheetara" (Cheetara's speed and fighting skill shown in a clip)

"As agile, and cunning as the Thunderkittens" (The Thunderkitten showing their agilty and playful tricks [clip taken from the pilot's pre-trailer visual guide to the Thundercats])

"Or posseses the youthful strength and courage as Lion-O" (Lion-O shown 'arm wrestling' the Caveman from the Time Capsule episode)

But i always figured, the Tiger being the largest member of the 'cat family' both Tygra and Panthro were short changed somewhat. Lion-O being larger than both of them is technically off. The series just plays into the fact, that the Lion is the 'king of the jungle' metaphor (beautifully though i might add). Panthers i.e. Leopards/Jaguars also have deceiving strength themselves and are as nearly as strong as the Lion and Tiger. Then again with all that in mind Lion-O needs that uber 'macho' image as their leader, but i still feel in any new series, Tygra shouldn't seen as physically weaker to Lion-O and for comparison's sakes, be of the same size as Lion-O at the very least.

Wow, Tygra and Lion-O brothers, well that could answer why Lion-O did once tell tygra that if anything happened to him, he would be the next Lord of the Thundercats!

Them being said to being half-brothers in the new series might seem to indicate some rivalry and arguments taking place within the ranks, which i kinda wished would've always happened between the ThunderCats in the classic series seeing as we don't always get along and the T-Cats not getting into any arguments (unless under a magic spell of sorts) felt out of place etc.

Even with no real news out there yet for the new series, this one piece of info has me wondering what kind of relationship Lion-O and Tygra are going to have in the new series. Tygra playing 'housemate' to his younger brother and being Second-In-Command will make it hard for him to remain level-headed with a impetus in-experienced younger brother as his father's chosen heir, leading the ThunderCats nobles.

Will there be room for jealously in Tygra's heart in this series? With even animated TV series getting grittier and full of primetime drama styled 'soap-opera' these days, one also wonders if they will both fight over Cheetara's attentions too, lol.


Virtua Fighter 5-FS For X-Box360 Console Sega


"When the series was out as a kid, many people of all ages were either huge Lion-O or Panthro fans, they where quite macho, tough and muscular looking character fans got into etc. But i always figured Tygra was tough and fasinating in his own unique way, he was; intelligent, crafty, wise etc, he obviously posessed those 'Second-In-Command qualities."

Agreed. I always liked Tygra as well. Aside from his tactical shrewdness and ability to turn invisible, he had the best theme of all the characters.

"But i always figured, the Tiger being the largest member of the 'cat family' both Tygra and Panthro were short changed somewhat. Lion-O being larger than both of them is technically off. The series just plays into the fact, that the Lion is the 'king of the jungle' metaphor (beautifully though i might add). Panthers i.e. Leopards/Jaguars also have deceiving strength themselves and are as nearly as strong as the Lion and Tiger. Then again with all that in mind Lion-O needs that uber 'macho' image as their leader, but i still feel in any new series, Tygra shouldn't seen as physically weaker to Lion-O and for comparison's sakes, be of the same size as Lion-O at the very least."

Agreed. I wonder if they made a few wrong choices in allocating which attributes went to which character. Then again, with a more accurate feline parallel, Tygra would have been the big strong one as well as turning invisible, which basically would have made him completely invincible in battle.

"Will there be room for jealously in Tygra's heart in this series? With even animated TV series getting grittier and full of primetime drama styled 'soap-opera' these days, one also wonders if they will both fight over Cheetara's attentions too, lol."

Wouldn't surprise me. These days female characters are sexualised more often than not. If Cheetara was ever going to pair off with someone, I always figured it would be Tygra. Mind you, spots and stripes, can you imagine what their kids would look like?


Hopefully the new series will just kick major amounts of ass on all levels!

Peace i.e. Merry Christmas player!


Virtua Fighter 5-FS For X-Box360 Console Sega


in the older cartoons, I saw him as somewhat of a weak player..

easily influenced by Mumra
invincibility thing useless against those new "evil" beings that appear later in the show
had that psychic/mental ability used in the trials but then forgotten about..



I know. While its safe to say we'll all respect the original series.

Now that this new version is around the corner, i'm hoping Tygra gets *buffed up* in all areas so that he won't be seen as weaker or character wise, suffer in comparison to the other T-Cats as some fans have always believed. Same goes for the 3 new ThunderCats (Lynx-O, Pumyra & Bengali) when they show up laters, they kinda need something to say they not just add-on additions and also have undergone some changes.

invincibility thing useless against those new "evil" beings that appear later in the show

One of the Lunataks you mean?; 'Redeye'. Well.., i always figured somebody needed to see him when he was invisible, so his paranormal abilities/powers weren't 100% guaranteed against everything and everybody. I have no problem about that in old series. Just means Tygra's powers aren't completely 'foolproof' against every single 'foe' on 3rd Earth, combatting Redeye would mean he'll have to rely on direct opposition against him rather than sneaking up on him in a fight is all. But yeah i hope the issue about his *mind-powers* are kept this time round besides the 'trials' Lion-O undergoes and they're explored somewhat beyond that, in this new T-Cats series, if it takes off that is (?).


Virtua Fighter 5-FS For X-Box360 Console Sega


The writers were a little selective with Tygra's invisibility, there's no denying it. In "The Mumm-Ra Berbil" for instance, they forgot that Mumm-Ra can't see Tygra when he's invisible (as established in "Pumm-Ra"). And of course there's the whole "Safari Joe" debacle, in which he should have turned invisible. Mind you, that episode does identify him as having "paranormal strength", the exact same words as used about Panthro later on in the same episode. OK, so maybe he wouldn't be a match for Panthro in single combat, but he's no weakling either. He did single-handedly defeat the Giantaur in "Divide And Conquer" for instance.
