MovieChat Forums > Thundercats (1985) Discussion > Original series getting DVD re-release s...

Original series getting DVD re-release starting this July...

...for those who missed out on the series when it was released starting back in 2005. The downside is the first DVD only lists 12 episodes and retails for $19.99, which means they're going to string them out to try and make more money off of them.

The only listed feature is the same "Thundercats are loose!" that was on the original Season 1: Volume 1 DVD.

Now playing: Automan



Doesn't sound like they going to fix the music/sound issue with the Unholy Alliance episode unless they put out the re-issued discs in the new re-release boxset. Or more importantly, put the ThunderCats episodes into their original production order properly and not in the broadcast order which was out of order and kinda random.

Nor does this sound like the sets will be remastered into 1080p HD or put into 5.1 DTS Surround Sound. Seperate series audio soundtrack option, art gallery, storyboards, production artwork, trailers & TV spots (especially of the "Cosmocats" french trailers of the series?), poster, new interviews etc. Elements fans can track on the internet as well, but in much lesser quality though?!

God i wished sometimes Warner Brothers had a deal going with Rhino or that Ink & Paint where still around?

And don't anybody give me, because it'll cost a bundle business? Warner Brothers has more money than most companies in Hollywood, they more than got money for an official DVD re-release of ThunderCats if they so wanted! And with a new revival series on the way as well, why isn't some of that money going into all things ThunderCats related then?!

The only listed feature is the same "Thundercats are loose!" that was on the original Season 1: Volume 1 DVD.

They can ditch the whole Wil Wheaton t-cats thing? that was so poorly done and stupid. The fans i'm sure want a professional behind-the-scenes production; making of the series, or new interviews done for the T-Cats DVD's. And not that immature embarrassment Wheaton as apart of. It spoke of rushed 'lack of quality' in putting out a proper DVD feature together, on so many levels.


Green Lantern 4.gif




Green Lantern 4.gif


They can ditch the whole Wil Wheaton t-cats thing? that was so poorly done and stupid.

Agreed. You know something is bad when you get embarrassed and you didn't even participate.

The original "Thundercats" DVD sets felt really rushed and were thin on special features. But at least they weren't parceling out the episodes to make a few more bucks.

A really disappointing move by WB here.

Now playing: Automan
