Ro-Bear Berbils


Does anybody know how the voices of the Ro-Bear Berbils were created? Were they actually done by one or more human beings, or were they done entirely by computers, or were they human voices distorted by a computer? Given that the show is from the 1980's, I am not sure whether computers had the ability to do complex voice work, but I'm thinking that they probably did.

Anyway, if anybody has any secrets to how the Ro-Bear Berbils' voices were done, please tell all. They are some of the most interesting pieces of voice work I have ever come across in a cartoon.



My guess is they used a special mic, the same as they did for the Daleks in Doctor Who. But it still doesn't answer the question of which actor was Roberbill. I presume Roberbelle was Lynne Lipton, but Roberbill could have been anyone. There's a little voice in the back of my head saying Earl Hammond, but I don't know why.


It really seems that they did a lot of interesting voice techniques with harmonizers back then that have been lost today. Now it's all auto-tuned *beep*

Try not to take life too seriously, no one gets out alive.
