Does anyone have any idea why there is so much footage cut out of the dvd versions of Exodus?
For example the introduction of the Thundercats before the opening narrated by Jage, the bickering between Wiley Katt and Panthro after Jaga tells Cheetara to get Lion-O, Jaga asking a Reptilian where Ssslythe is and about a minute or so before they enter the stasis capsule, in one of the bit before that, Wiley-Katt locking Kitt inside a stasis capsule...
I just watched Exodus on Youtube and it has all of those bits and a bit where Ssslythe says to Monkien and Jackalman that their services will not be required when they board the Thundercats ship, but Monkien and Jackalman insist that all of them go to search for the Sword of Omens, it looked like it was taken from a VHS copy.
Seems a bit stupid to cut parts out the dvd version that were on the VHS...
I know what you mean. There's also the bit about Tygra saying he thought the Eye Of Thundera was a myth.
But on the other side of the coin, if you're referring to the "feature length" four-parter edited together, there are a few edits cut. Firstly, there's a few lines missing from "The Unholy Alliance" (such as the first scene of the Mutants flying over), and the last two scenes of that episode are switched; then in "Berbils", the entire section with the Trollogs and Giantaurs is cut from the "movie", which does make Roberbill's last line in that episode a bit random without Lion-O teaching him the lesson first earlier on. I'm sure there's a line that was cut from or added to "The Slaves Of Castle Plundarr", but I can't for the life of me think what it was!
All the cuts scene of Exodus were great if not, fantastic scenes that truly fleshed out the characters even moreso! This is why i want Warner Brothers to hunt down the Exodus pilot negatives and restore the pilot episode along with the entire series on DVD via a re-release in 5.1/7.1 and in HD for Blu-Ray/DVD.
If they won't (Warners) do it. I'm sure T-Cat fans including myself, will one day do a superb Fanedit instead and make a Thundercats DVD with tons of extras. And have the VHS extras scenes in a supplement section or create a "extended rough cut" of the pilot.
There's enough material online of Thundercats to create your own DVD extras anyways!
"He is one, we are three, it is the strength of three that will defeat him...together. General Zod"
I guess they used the syndication masters, I thought the intro to Exodus was amazing though when I first caught it on Youtube and it's the most missed scene to me since it really set you up for the series.
Try not to take life too seriously, no one gets out alive.