I know, its the most annoying thing ever for the fans? "Lion-O's Annointment trial" episodes were amongst the best character arcs stories in the original series. And its now ruined by being placed "out-of-order" like this. I hope and pray if ThunderCats gets another re-release onto DVD and Blu-Ray, that the series episodes of season 1 will finally be in "production order" not broadcast order. I mean why any show is put into broadcast order when TV stations and networks use to place them, out of order is a complete mystery?!
With a new ThunderCats series currently running now and fan conventions popping up for ThunderCats as a franchise. Maybe like the original ThunderCats soundtrack, fans could petition for a seris re-release onto Blu-Ray and ahve the original series episodes put on any new disc sets, in production order instead along with all-new extras and whatnot etc.
http://www.thundercatslair.org/2011/07/thundercon-to-take-place-24th-2 5th-september-2011/
Maybe the question can be asked at a convention like Thundercon (when they get around to doing the next one?) if or when the original series will be re-released on Blu-Ray, and if its possible at all to have these changes be made for the original series.
And also to correct the errors of the original DVD set. I.E. the errors of picture quality with the 'pilot episode', loss of music track on 'The Unholy Alliance' 2nd episode ('english track' only?) and perhaps creating a new 5.1 Surround Sound DTS track for the entire series that the first DVD releases didn't have etc. Which other 80's animated shows have on DVD, but ThunderCats doesn't have the same treatment by comparison??! (odd?).
Only way to truly enjoy The Annointment Trials episodes. Is to rip the original DVD's they're on. And then burn them onto a blank DVD (region free) but place the episodes back into the right consecutive order format from; "Trial" 1 to 5 etc. Using a PC or Mac, for your own viewing enjoyment!
Rileys F U Speech Uncensoredhttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SUOHctF0H_s&feature=related