Stiff dialogue and stiffer delivery
I've only seen a few episodes so far, so I don't know if this changes. But 5 episodes in, this is one of the stalest shows I've ever watched. I like the setting, the characters, the music, the animation and so forth, but the voice acting and the lines are really bad for the most part, and that really makes it hard to fully enjoy. I do like the voices of everyone that don't possess "normal" voices (like Slithe and his gang, Mumm-Ra, and even Snarf), but the rest -- most ThunderCats even -- sound quite deadpan (which actually has made me laugh out loud on several occasions, so it's not all bad), and it's made much worse by the superfluous dialogue; they have a tendency to explain to the viewer what's going on, and I really hate that kind of thing. Indeed, it insults the viewer's intelligence. As if we cannot understand the situations at all ourselves, nor how characters must feel about the things going on (for example, in episode 2 I believe, we have Mumm-Ra appearing a few feet in front of Lion-O, and he exclaims -- as though Mumm-Ra stands a hundred feet away from him -- "What is that thing?!").
I'm not new to the show, but I grew up watching it in Swedish, so this original, English version is unfamiliar to me. And if memory serves me right, the Swedish version was better, and that is not common. This quite often feels like a poor fandub.
Great show regardless, but it could've been so much more. But I feel that's often the case with '80s cartoons. Still love 'em.
Ph'nglui mglw'nafh Cthulhu R'lyeh wgah'nagl fhtagn