I'd also have to cite "Garden of Delights" as one of the show's most memorable eps, and with it "Crystal Canyon" with the Keystone. One can argue if these are truly among the shows best episodes but for an 80s cartoon they both depict the negative effects of drug addiction vividly and creepily. "Garden" after all has Tygra going on an acid trip after eating the Silky Fruit and then crashing rather badly and being totally strung out from it. "Crystal Canyon" meanwhile has the Keystone that drives Tygra to paranoia & eats away at him so much that he's reduced to a 90 lbs weakling; sure he gets the muscle back at the end of the episode thanks to the Sword of Omens being a 5 second rehab detox machine but still seeing the physical damage of addiction rendered in such a creepy fashion is very impressive considering the time period the show was made in.