Is it just me, or does anyone else think this is non-existent? Whilst some shows seem to concentrate on the main characters personalities to the exclusion of any storyline, Taggart seems to be the reverse.
It's like the writers would rather pull teeth than reveal any back story or depth to the lead players.
couldn't agree more. the early episodes had some character development but the latest shows have absolutely nothing. the main characters could change every week and you wouldn't notice, that's why i don't watch anymore. reid has been in the show for 20 years and all we know is her husband died, fraser is gay, burke's a grumpy b*****d and the other guy's an ornament. watch the early shows and enjoy the superb writing by glenn chandler and stuart hepburn (he still writes a few of them and they're the ones worth watching).
I'm currently watching from the start and on season 21 - so far, Reid is just divorced from her husband. Maybe he dies at a later episode. However, I'm not sure what the point of having her get married was. She get married in the episode before Jardine dies. Then a few episodes later - she's divorced.
The only time between her marriage and divorce we saw them was the football episode(still trying to remember if they were married then) and also when they argue briefly because he was considering another job.
Also, I don't like that Reid's character is almost pitiful - she's the only woman on the team and is reduced to playing the mother role and the babysitter.
Then you have Gemma who is so out of place. You see the team dressed in suits and looking like cops, and here is the pathologist wearing a tank top. I know they were trying to spice up the show, but she just seems so out of place. Too bad Dr. Andrews died because he was a great character.
Yes, they dispatched 'im Indoors very quickly for poor Jackie! My guess is the consensus in the writers' room was that she was more interesting to write for as a divorced or single character and once married they did not know what to do with her plot wise, ha.
They did mention her husband again when there was an episode in which a murder suspect character had cancer and it was brought up how her husband had died of cancer at one time, because the murder suspect was very manipulative and tried to use that info against her if I recall.
Then it got a mention again in passing in one of the 20-something series episodes when she is catching up with an old flame and her divorce and the death of her ex-husband was discussed. But only briefly.