Larry's character is all wrong in the TV movie
In the Movie of the Week "Still the Beaver", Larry Mondello is now known as Avishnu and is living on an ashram in India. He is decked out in a turban and dashiki. Evidently Larry has joined one of the cults that was fashionable in the 70's although this is 1983. He hangs out with Richard and the Beav, telling them that this year he gets a mattress and next year a wife. Richard later explains to Beav that Larry joined the cult because his mom was always yelling at him, his dad was never home and his sister was always beating him up.
This is complete BS. Had Larry joined one of those cults, though he very well could have been living in an ashram, he would be living in the USA, dressed normally and working to support the guru's lavish lifestyle.
Google Maharaj Ji to check out one of the big gurus of the 70's. Looks like he is still going strong.
Very lazy screenwriting. It's a shame what they did to poor old Larry!
I don't remember what happens to him when he shows up in later episodes.