From what I can remember, that was at the very end of "Still the Beaver" which was originally just supposed to be a TV movie/reunion. Corey was played by Corey Feldman, and then was later replaced by Kipp Marcus when it became a TV show. I'm assuming that Corey/his parents or whoever probably had thought it was a good deal as movie, but didn't want to be dedicated to a TV show (that is just my guess) and they were going to leave it at that with Wally and Mary Ellen's baby. Again, when it became a show, they probably aged Kelly (changing it that Kipp was Ward Cleaver the Second or something, and Kipp was a nickname) so she would be Oliver's age and it would make sense instead of having a toddler running around. When Kevin was born later, they ended up aging him the next season, and even then it just didn't sit well, as he wasn't old enough to really "go" with the story lines of the others and always seemed to me to be more of comic relief, such as causing Kelly problems, making everyone laugh, stuff like that. It also showed that Wally and Mary Ellen had moved into a house built by Eddie that was a ways away from where they lived, but suddenly they lived next door (which obviously hadn't just been built) so I always figured all of those changes were just do it going from committing for one movie, or a tv series that ended up lasting four years (also, Beaver's friends were in the movie, and then later on the last two episodes of the show, but otherwise were non-existent).