Was this on Sally?

I'm pretty sure this was on the Sally show, but I'm not sure.
There was an episode about kids & young teens dressing to 'sexy' and mature for their age. I think it was in 2000 or 2001. Their was a girl about 9 years old, talking about dressing up for boys and saying that she was already having sex at her age. Then while talking about her cloths she says'I love wearing my sexy bra' but because of the way she talks she calls it a bwa. *so young she can't pronounce her R's* Which I found to be hillarious at the time. Sad but funny as h&ll. I also remember the audiance heckling her and basicly calling her out for not knowing what she was talking about. I would like to find a clip of this somewhere. I've been in an 'argument' the last couple days on a site, people are saying girls are only dressing and acting like this in the last year or two. I guess they don't remember ALL of these shows that started in the early 90s and are still around today. They keep playing the same stuff over and over. Dressing too sexy too young, Who's the babies father, Boot Camp, etc... Anyway, anyone else remember this girl? I think it was Sally but if not it might have been Maury.
