The Lonely One- Very effective

This is the type of episode where it makes you afraid to be alone in a house at night. In my case I had my 10 year old nephew with me and we watched it, alone, late in the evening in 1988. I think it was on USA then, around 11 pm. When it was over we were both disturbed by it, that final camera shot is one of the most terrifying ever. I had to go next door though to check on some dogs I was petsitting. I was pretty scared and I think I had my nephew watch me through a window. When I think of this series, I think of this episode.


Great episode. One of my favorites. Joanna Cassidy is a wonderful actress

"I'm just a happy camper! Rockin' and a-rollin'!" - Patrick Bateman, American Psycho


I watched it recently, before noon, so I had a lot of light but still it creeped me out. What I didnt understand is why that woman would risk her life that way...maybe there was something I didnt get.


I just saw this 0_0 . I was watching it in the dark and was on the edge of my seat. The suspense was insane and it was scary.
Joanna Cassidy was great too.


Just saw this. I think the message is that "no matter how unafraid we think we are, and how confident we come off to others, alone is alone, and no man
is an island". It was bizarre that they would go to the movies after seeing their friend murdered like that. Oh well, typical RBT--the message is the main thing.


she was the strong one of the group. she had to act strong for the benefit of her friends. or maybe she just really enjoyed her independence.


this might have been my favorite episode; because of the setting.


Just watched this last week for the first time and it is my favorite episode of this series! So effective and creepy and that last shot with just the clearing of his throat and his creepy silhouette...shivers! What I don't get though is WHY was the cop whistling the same song she and her friends were singing? Did he hear them while patrolling and just wanted to mess with her? And it really makes you wonder if that guy was hiding in her house all while she was in the movies and if it was the guy who was asking about her?


This was one of the better done episodes and even employed a few touches not in the original story.
