North and South TEST Book 1......Part 5 of 6
1. What illness did Ashton claim to have to cover up having an abortion?
a) Marsh Fever
b) Influenza
c) Small Pox
d) Pneumonia
2. What kind of tonic did Madeline’s doctor prescribe?
a) Potato
b) Celery
c) Onion
d) Berry
3. What drug was actually in the tonic?
a) Aspirin
b) Morphine
c) Laudanum
d) Laxative
4. Where did Ashton and James Huntoon marry?
a) Lehigh Station
b) Atlanta
c) Charleston
d) Mont Royal
5. Where did Ashton beg Orry to take her?
a) New Orleans
b) Atlanta
c) Richmond
d) Charleston
6. Which in-law to the Mains did Elkanah Bent meet in New Orleans?
a) Billy Hazard
b) James Huntoon
c) Nicholas Fabray
d) No One
7. Where did Virgilia say she was going to work with a “great man”?
a) Charlestonburg
b) Williamsburg
c) Chambersburg
d) Atlantasburg
8. Where did John Brown and Orry meet?
a) Barney’s Ferry
b) Charleston’s Ferry
c) Benjamin‘s Ferry
d) Harper’s Ferry
9. Who freed Virgilia from the insane asylum?
a) Congressman Greene
b) George Hazard
c) Grady’s Mother
d) Orry Main
10. Whose house did Brett flee to after a fight with Orry?
a) George’s
b) Ashton’s
c) Madeline’s
d) Forbe’s