Blu Ray version

With Patrick Swayze dead will there be any chance it will be coming out in Blu Ray quality anytime soon? I would love a blu ray North And South but I don't know how much demand there would be for it. Please let me know if anyone has heard anything!! thanks

"Don't you want my number?"


Was it shot on film? If not.. sad to say there may not be that big of a leap in quality.. not that i am against the idea. Finally picked it up on dvd last year. Bought it when it first came out ans HATED the dual sided discs. So relieved WB saw fit to reissue it on dual layer discs.


It was most definitely shot on film but this may be one of those situations where the originals were immediately moved to video and there's nothing available to make a proper Blu-ray. In fact I would not be surprised if part 3 was actually shot on video. I'd like blurays but the DVD's were just fine for me. They look better than what I saw on TV when I was little.


It's on Encore in HD now and if you didn't record it, it will be on again on Sunday. Since there's little chance of a Blu-Ray release, this is next best thing.


I would drown puppies to get it on Netflix or Amazon in HD. Also, I would drown kittens.
