You know that Anglina...

...Jolie in her teens actually has a very small part in it?


I haven't seen her. Which Book? And can you explain the scene.



Thanks for all of that personal info and your personal veiws on Ms. Jolie. That didn't really help though.....
I loved all of the series. I haven't seen it since it aired on television. I finally bought the entire set today and I look forward to seeing it.
I must say that I am curious about AJ however and the small role she had. She had to be quite young. Is there someone with actual information on what scenes she is in?

"Fasten your seat belts!
It's going to be a bumpy night!"



Maybe she appears in one of the other books? I'll keep looking...

"Fasten your seat belts!
It's going to be a bumpy night!"




I think the poster is confusing this with True women...which Angelina Jolie starred in as a southern belle.
