
What do you think is considered as a "bad" accent? For me its always when you can hear the actors' natuarel accent start to creep through.

Who had the best accents in North and South? Who had the worst?
The Best
Patrick Swayze
James Read
Genie Francis
Leslie Anne-Down
Jim Metzler(his southern accent was fantastic!Totally believeable)
Wendy Kilbourne(the same)

The Worst
Phillip Casnoff
Terry Garber
David Carridine
Kirstie Alley

"It's my bid for immortality."-Tony Jay


I am just curious why you think Kirstie Alley had one of the worst accents? She sounded like a Pennsylvanian to me. I live in PA and she sounded like most people around here do. From what I have seen her in, that is her real voice without an accent. I could be wrong though.

Also, when you said Wendy Kilbourne was "the same" do you mean you thought she was believable like the actor you named above or that she was using her "real/same" accent. Because I believe she is Irish-American, not Irish.

I do not know southern accents as well as people who hear them everyday so I may be off the mark but I wasn't impressed with Lesley Anne-Down's accent. You can hear her British accent come through several times. I also read on here somewhere (it was critiqued by a person from one of the southern states) that Genie Francis's accent was bad and Terri Garber's was good except a few times when she was yelling. Anyone out there from the southern states have any input on which Main sister had the more realzitic accent? I am curious.

As far as the northern accents go, I think the entire Hazard family did a decent job with them.


Leslie's accent wasn't perfect;but she tried. Wendy's accent was as good as Jim Metzlers' I think. I actually liked Genie's accent a lot.

"It's my bid for immortality."-Tony Jay


I can't really tell of any bad accents. Elkanah's really isn't either. I've been to Georgia quite a few times, and trust me, we do the whole entire Elkanah accent. I think Genie's accent is great. Very believable. So is Constance's accent. My sister is very good in doing accents, she'll even do her Constance and Brett ones for me!

"Just remember, you're my friend and I love you." <b>+Billy Hazard</b>


I thought most of the accents sounded realistic, although i've only ever heard accents like that on TV (As im from the UK).I thought both Main sister's had quite good accents, but there were certain words Ashton said which sounded kind of strange. Patrick Swayze did very well, i thought.

~"I strongly urge you to move your face back to where it was."~


Yeah, some of Ashton's accents sounded odd, especially when she was angry.

I think Patrick does the same accent for every movie he is in. Sometimes his R's would sound hard [this is a Texan accent-- where he is from] and South Carolinians usually drop their R's

"Just remember, you're my friend and I love you." +Billy Hazard


If you believed Bent's accent was real, someone down here was pulling your leg. I have a pronounced southern accent and even I cringe every time that man opened his mouth.


Casnoff's attempt at a Southern accent was the worst I've ever heard. As a native Southerner, I cringed when I would hear him open his mouth.



I agree with michaels- My understanding was that both Ashton and Justin's accents were pretty Charlestonian authentic. It was funny (in an authentic way) how they pronounced house as "hoose" and south as "sooth".



IMHO, the worst accent of all was David Carradine's! My husband and I sat there

just shuddering every time he said anything, but especially when said "Hoose" for just sounded ridiculous.

I am Mississippi born and bred and have been raised in MS and Louisiana. I have

NEVER heard anyone say "hoose"!

Philip Casenoff was very authentic Georgia insult intended!


No Casenoff's accent was NOT an authentic Georgian accent. I wanted to slap him every time he spoke. I agree with another poster, his dialogue coach needed to be shot and I add that Casenoff should have been shot if he refused to listen to his coach and winged it (that's what it sounded like).

"The richness I achieve comes from Nature, the source of my inspiration."--Claude Monet




But "hoose" and "sooth" are Virginian accents.


But Bent wasn't from Charleston. As you know, the accents in the South vary greatly--even within one state. A person from Hamlet, NC will pronounce "corner" as "coanih", whereas a person from Fayetteville, NC, will pronounce "corner" as "cawnih". And for Georgia, they say "Joajih" and "Jawjih". Bent did a good New Orleans accent, which is pretty much different from the rest of the South, considering it was mostly settled by French people. The Carolinas were mostly settled by the English, the Irish, and the Scottish.


I think a bad accent is also when the actor keeps switching between two or more accents in one scene.

Hands down, the WORST accent in the entire trilogy comes from an extra in Book 2. Remember the scene where we first see Orry, Jr (presumably days after he was born)? Well, the actress that plays the nurse in that scene had a TERRIBLE accent! She manages to go between Southern and Irish in a matter of a few phrases; it's so bad that it's funny! The way she says "beautiful" is hilarious ("Beeya-YU-TI-ful").

AS far as good accents, I thought that all of the Mains sounded like authentic Southerners. I'm from North Carolina, so I've heard a lot of the same sounds from people here that I did from the Mains. I think people should give Phillip Casnoff a break- his accent was good. What makes his speech so gag-inducing isn't his accent, but the fervor he speaks with. So many of his phrases have such a strong intensity to them that it makes him sound over-the-top sometimes.


I agree. I don't think PC accent was as annoying as his over-annunciation of everything. And honestly, I think that fit with the character's inflated sense of self-importance.

I also agree that Patrick Swayze shouldn't count as having a good accent, since he didn't even try to be geographically correct, he just spoke like the Texan he was.

Kirstie Alley has a generic Midwestern accent with an elitest bent, which is adequate enough for portraying an educated woman from Eastern Pennsylvania.


Yeah, Bent had an awful accent and bad temper but he sure was eye candy !!!

*The shape-shifter is in and will take your calls now.


All of the Mains and Hazards were great. Justin, Bent, and Grady had great accents too.

The worst was Madeline, she tried but could not match a southern accent. They should have casted an american actress instead.


Wasn't she supposed to be well educated and also raised around French speaking people? Maybe that would account for the "off" accent?

*The shape-shifter is in and will take your calls now.


I was born and raised in Texas with all of my family coming from Arkansas and Louisiana, and I will tell you that we speak VERY differently here than people do in South Carolina, Virginia, etc.

Whoever said that Patrick Swayze doesn't deserve credit for his accent because he spoke like his "Texas self", they obviously don't know what they're talking about. People in Texas do not sound like South Carolinians, and I can assure you that people from Houston, like myself and Patrick Swayze, do not sound like he did in his portrayal of Orry Main.

Hollywood is usually very off in the "accents" they use when portraying people from Texas. And people from different parts of Texas can sound very different from each other.


Hollywood is always off when portraying southern accents from non-southerners.

"The richness I achieve comes from Nature, the source of my inspiration."--Claude Monet


I gotta say, though, they're doing better than they used to. Back in the 30's and 40's, characters on movies would say "you all" when addressing one person--which no Southerner ever does.


I don't think PC accent was as annoying as his over-annunciation of everything. And honestly, I think that fit with the character's inflated sense of self-importance.

It did fit, and he was actually sort of playing two characters, both of whom in the book are over-the-top and have a very inflated sense of self-importance. And yet the characters are very different from each other in the book, one (Bent) is overweight and unpopular while the other was handsome and popular. And yet he blended the two personalities perfectly to make one very interesting character.


I'm from UK so all the American accents sounded fine to me, I recognise the difference between the different regions but I wouldn't be able to say if they were good or not, to me they were all good.

However, as I am from the UK, the moment Wendy came on the screen I was covering my ears at the terrible Hollywood version of Irish accent that was coming out of her mouth. It's the usual hollywood Irish accent that is so badly used by so many American actors in so many films. I think if the American audience got a taste of a real Irish accent they'd probably think the person was dutch, they've gotten so used to this "off the shelf" version.


Your comment is hilarious because I thought her accent was brilliant but I'm from the US (the south) while Madelyn's accent was annoying to me. The actress found it a struggle to do a southerner accent. Casenoff's accent was annoying too. Some posters claimed it was a good Georgian accent but it wasn't.

"The richness I achieve comes from Nature, the source of my inspiration."--Claude Monet


Huntoon had an amazing accent until he said "Out" in a Canadian-Northern like way when yelling at Virgillia; "I want them said OOOUUUU-T (can not type it =P) did you let Grady escape Miss.Hazard?"

Orry and Brett had really good ones, I'd throw George and Constance in that category also, Huntoon is still up there though since that was only one word ;)

Worst would be Bent.


Phillip Casnoff had the worst accent to my ears. Unless his character came from a part of Georgia that I've never visited. And Lesley-Ann Down's accent appeared to come and go.

"Joey, have you ever been in a Turkish prison?"


Constance it wasn't a terrible accent but at times I thought she sounded more Scottish than Irish


Not all Southern accents are the same. I have heard Southerners who talk like Phillip Casnoff. He sounded like he was from New Orleans.
