MovieChat Forums > Neighbours (1985) Discussion > KK drunken skull-based DIY

KK drunken skull-based DIY

There was a lot less KK stuff than I expected.Which was a kinda relief, I know it's coming though. I assume it will mean Toadie and Karl stuff, which is cool.


I'm glad they didn't show him even about to drill in (not sure they would've been in the time slot, though). I'm not usually iffy about blood/surgical stuff on shows (I watch a few hospital/doctor shows) but that one would've been a bit ew.

I do think the storyline could be good, and hope it will be.


I'm not surprised they didn't show it, although that would have been cool...for me, anyways.

I was surprised that there seemed to minimal malpractice chatter. I liked that it was a bit subtle storyline build, but surprised.


I think the time slot stops some things being shown. There was a lot of blood and that didn't worry me.

There was a bit, but I think it was more that Karl didn't do anything wrong - which I don't think he did. But I suppose it could've impaired his judgement or something.


I wonder which way they are gonna go with this story? KK didn't do anything wrong, but injustices happen.

What ever happened to the old GP office? Is it the cop shop now?


Surely he'll be found innocent he did what was necessary and can't imagine Karl not been doctor they'd be very few scenes for him.

I think Toadie is where Karl's gp office was.


I feel like it'll have to be investigated - I believe all complaints of this nature have to be by law, but I could be wrong on that. So I'm thinking the investigation will take a while - probably not resolved until next year, it could drag out to be a cliffhanger in the finale, but hopefully will be resolved correctly.

It's the Karl not doing anything actually wrong that's not sitting quite right with me on the legal side. I mean, it's obviously for the drama, but in and of itself it feels off somehow.


Aah yes, Rebecchi Law-thanks!

I think they do have to be looked in to by law.

It would be fun to see a new Dr in town AND see Karl do other stuff, a good depression storyline whilst his boredom pesters the crap out of Susan. He could then go in to local politics or something.


I'm pretty sure it would be.

Oh that could be interesting and we do seem to be going to get David as a doctor, so that would work.

Karl working with Sonia could actually be fun.


KK keeps his dignity, and a new phase in Erinsborough is ushered in.

Plus I like David.

Ooh, I really want this to happen now.


It really would work well.

I do too, I think he's a good new character. Not sure yet if I like Leo or not but he's interesting.

I could see him on the council really easily.


I think so.

Yeah, we'll have to see what happens with Leo. I wonder where they'll live?


Hopefully it will be interesting either way.

I don't dislike him but I haven't decided if I will like him, hate him or hate to like him yet, he's too new. David has had more development, so I am able to say I like him at least so far.

Wouldn't surprise me if they stay in the hotel for a while. After that I guess they'll find their dad or relatives and move in with them, whoever it might be. I still suspect Brad as the actual father until proven otherwise, though I wouldn't be surprised if it's his doctor brother either.


I think their Dad was definitely a doctor, from what Karl looked up.

Leo might be alright if he gets with Elle and stops sleazing about...We'll see.

I hope David isn't in denial or confused-for Amy's sake.


I think so.

He's a bit sleazy but yes. Or even if he does actually fall for Amy and it's the storyline they go with.

I just don't think he is into her, honestly. He's made it so clear.


Yeah, so long as he chills out the player image.

True, Other than the flowers being genuinely confusing/ crossed wires. He hasn't given her any 'come hither' signs.


I could see it as a "she really is fun... oh I like her," type of thing.

He hasn't, I really don't think he's into her regardless of sexuality. Though I did think that was an actual moment with Aaron (or maybe I'd like it to be).


I agree. It was only ever a friendly concern he had, like with Paige. There was definitely a bit of fizz between him and Aaron.


Yes, exactly, he liked Amy but wasn't into her further.

It really was, so it will be interesting one way or another - maybe he doesn't think he likes guys but does? Or he could be bi like Steph. Lots of options.


Or pansexual.

That's what I classify myself as.

That would be a soap first!


I like that idea, as I am the same, but I'm not sure the watered-down explanation for the timeslot would work well.

But it would be a first.


this is only theory but how this of chain of events

Karl lose his job as a doctor

David takes over

Dee returns

starts all kinds of issues with Sonya Toadie marriage

in turn starts problems with the surrogacy she has a brake down becomes attach to the baby maybe runs away pregnant so she could keep it or maybe has a relapse into her addictions (always wanted her have relapse since she came into it thought be interesting) and yeah she even loses the baby or puts it in serious medical danger

we still her off rails for bit than she leaves off to rehab for a few months or maybe exit stoyline

during all this she loses her position as mayor and Karl takes over the position


That works. I like Sonia and it's a bit *beep* for her, but it's a strong hypothesis.


That's true. Although I'm of an opinion about being honest with kids about anything, especially non-destructive or non-harmful stuff, but I get why TV regs would be different.


I agree - and it's not like one has to go into detail about it. But don't ever get me started on how violence is more okay than mild sexual stuff or talking honestly about how things work. I'm still surprised we have someone as openly gay as Aaron at times - but surprised in a good way.


Me too, especially coz he's kinda slutty, as was Chris Pappas.

Look how sexual Barbie is, or early Britney, or Paige and Jack. How violent is Fiddy, computer games, or the news?!?!

It's convention they care about. Violence, demeaning women, that's cool just don't offend the religious right with anything too 'wacky'.


It's really nice to see, though I do want him to find another nice boyfriend soon.

This is all very true and agree with you so much.

It is, exactly. So annoying.

In relation to the story, wow that nurse really seems to have it in for Karl, doesn't she? I wonder if there's a backstory there? Maybe it connects to Angelina or something else.


I heard it was connected to Cooper's mother actually. The nurse is supposed to be her friend who's disgruntled because her friend got suspended.

You know what I'd like to see on this show for once??? Unemployment!!! These people just walk off the street and get a job *just like that*. I've been trying now for four months!!!


That was another storyline I suspected might connect up!

But was Karl even very involved in that? I thought it was more Ben? Or maybe she blames it on Karl because he's his grandson or something.

That would be good, but I doubt it would happen, sadly.


I think she blames Karl for reporting the doctor somehow. I think he was involved with that from memory? I don't really remember, but it was something like that.


KK did help report Cooper's Mum, I think.

Unemployment would be a good topic to cover.


Aah, yeah there had to be some reason for her conduct, Cooper's Mum makes sense...

I hope Karl is found to be innocent, and Nurse Fisher is fired, but Karl says FU to them anyway and then goes in to local politics after suing Fisher for defamation of chatacter. I know it's gonna get real nasty this story.


I guess that's it, but if she did it, surely that's the appropriate way to go. She's being incredibly unprofessional - even for a soap.


It does make sense. That could be interesting. It really is, and it's something Karl doesn't even deserve to have happen - he's done nothing wrong.


Yeah, it is looking like it's going to be interesting...Just a shame Fisher is such bit ch, but I guess that adds to it all.


I do think it's a good story actually. But yes, it's a pity she's so bad.


We were talking about BIG story lines per annum, this could be number 4? I'm glad it's not as tedious as I'd suspected it might be...Famous last words, hey?!

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It could be, and it's not being too dreadful. Maybe this/the twins combined as it's all connected to the hospital, even?

I hope it stays not too tedious but you know there's going to be some nasty stuff said against Karl, poor guy.
